They joked and giggled their way outside to the black town car that waited for them. Since the wedding was kept small and intimate, Bella wanted everyone else to meet at the church. She didn’t want all the women fussing with her or giving advice. She wanted it to be just the two of them. Like it always was. Sloane knew their parents—no, make that their moms—were less than thrilled. They wanted to be there, of course, but Bella wouldn’t budge. She stood firm on what she’d wanted. In the end the women backed off. As the car pulled away from the curb, Sloane took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.



Max and Foster stood side by side in their tuxedos smiling for the camera. Foster’s father, Ren, lowered the camera with a huge grin on his face.

“You boys are looking good.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Are you ready for this?”

“More than ready, I know she’s the one.”

“I’m happy for you, son.”

Ren pulled Foster into his embrace as Max stood by watching. Bella really was the perfect girl for Foster. Max couldn’t be happier for him. He just wished Sloane would realize they were perfect for each other too. Would she bring the new boyfriend with her? Max couldn’t stop the anger and betrayal he felt thinking of Sloane with another man. What would happen if he saw them together? If anyone knew about this new guy it would be Foster. Bella would have told him something.

“How’s Sloane been? There haven’t been any sightings of any of Petrov’s family around, has there?”

“She’s doing okay. We haven’t seen much of her since she moved, but Bella and her don’t go a day without talking.”

“Too busy with the new boyfriend, I guess.”

“What boyfriend?”

“Sloane told me she was seeing someone the last time I saw her.”

“That’s news to me, man.”

“Really? I figured Bella would have at least mentioned someone.”

“That’s just it, she would have, and I didn’t hear anything.”


“She’s had around-the-clock surveillance since she moved. She doesn’t know it, but Mother, Tank, and Gutter Mouth have all pitched in to keep an eye on her. We installed a security system in her apartment too.”

“You should have told me. I could have helped ease the load.”

“I wanted to, man. Bella made it very clear to me I wasn’t to tell you anything to lead you to her door.”

“I can’t blame her. I tried to make her talk to me. Explain it was a misunderstanding, only she wouldn’t let me. Claimed she had moved on already. Maybe the guys would know about her mystery man?”

“Maybe, although no one mentioned it to me. I gave instructions to background anyone who comes and goes from that building. Just to be safe.”

Could she have gone back to Brody and just didn’t want to get the third degree from Mirabella and Foster? No, there’s no way she would have gone back to him. Plus, the guys would have ratted her out for that in a heartbeat. The men piled into Ren’s car. Ren drove with Bella’s father, Clint, in the passenger seat. Max and Foster sat together in the back.

They pulled up to the small church, parking in the side lot. Max followed the rest of the guys inside. He entered the narthex, immediately inhaling the familiar scent of burning incense. The pews before him were adorned with white lilies, as was the altar. Turning to find Foster and the other men, Max bumped into a tall older man with a shaved head. Colorful tattoos peaked out of his button-down shirt at the wrists and neck.

“I’m sorry, sir. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“No worries, son. I was looking for Clint; any idea where I could find him?”

“Yes, sir. I’m going that way myself, if you’d like to follow me.”

“Ah, you must be the best man, Maxwell. We’ve heard a lot about you.”