Page 51 of A Bear's Secret

“Harder,” she murmured. She wanted to feel him take her until she screamed with pleasure, but instead he stopped, and she could feel more weight on the bed as Trevor hopped on.

Sloane looked back over her shoulder at Austin, and she could see everything written on his face, Trevor looking over him. The two men kissed, hard, and Sloane could see the muscles in Austin’s neck twitch and move until they broke apart, Trevor’s hand in Austin’s hair as he held his mate’s face next to his own.

“Oh fuck,” Austin said, squeezing his eyes shut. “Oh...”

Then, his face relaxed.

“Fuck,” he breathed, and Sloane could feel his cock throb inside her.

The three of them moved in perfect time, and as soon as Austin’s hand wrapped around her, rubbing her clit in time, Sloane was lost again. Every time that Trevor thrust inside Austin, she could feel it just a little as Austin sunk a little bit deeper into her, throbbing with pent-up need.

“I can’t last long like this,” Austin whispered, then bit Sloane’s neck, just a little.

It was all she needed for her body to unleash its climax and she gasped, just beginning to moan when Austin’s hand wrapped around her mouth, silencing her as she groaned and moaned, still louder than she should have been.

Sloane felt like she was being electrified from the inside out, her climax crackling up from her core and through her veins until even her fingers and toes curled and tingled with the sensation and her body rocked back and forth until, at least, her forehead came to rest on the cool brass bedframe.

Austin pulled out, and she saw Trevor hopping off the bed behind them.

“Did you finish?” she murmured, suddenly sleepy.

Austin just grinned.

“Of course,” he said. “That was the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me.

Sloane felt so suddenly exhausted that she could barely move, and she sank down into Austin’s bed, curling herself around a pillow.

“I don’t think I can move,” she said.

Trevor crawled back onto the bed, nestling himself between Sloane and the wall.

“Then stay here,” he said.

“Sure, invite her into my bed,” Austin said, sliding in on Sloane’s other side.

“Why, you mind?” Trevor asked, teasing.

Trevor’s arms were around Sloane, and he took one of Austin’s in his good hand.

Sloane fell asleep between the two of them.