Page 30 of A Bear's Secret

A couple of flat rocks made up the only shore area there was, and without a word, they all walked over to them. Right away, Sloane sat and took her shoes and socks off, dipping her toes into the water.

She pulled them back instantly, gasping.

“Holy shit that’s cold,” she said.

Austin and Trevor both just laughed.

“It’s glacial runoff,” Austin said. “You’ve been hiking for how long, again?”

Delicately, Sloane stuck a single toe back in, making a face.

“I don’t go swimming in it,” she said.

The boys looked at each other.

“I dare you,” said Trevor.

Austin raised his eyebrows.

“I dare you more,” he said.

“I dared you first,” Trevor said.

“Oh, stop,” said Sloane. She stuck a second toe into the water, grimacing.

They both stood over her, their hands on their hips, poised at the very edge of the water.

Sloane looked up. Three toes in the water.

I wouldn’t mind seeing them wet, she thought.

Quickly, she pushed her whole foot into the water, trying to get her mind off the thought of both of them, soaking wet and, at the very least, shirtless.

It worked, and she squealed. Then she clapped both hands over her mouth as Trevor and Austin laughed.

“I didn’t know people could make that noise,” Austin teased.

“Shut up,” said Sloane, her voice muffled by her hands. “I thought you were getting in the glacial runoff.”

“Only if Trevor goes first.”

“I’m not going first.”

Sloane took her hands off her mouth and slowly put the heel of her other foot into the water, bracing herself.

“What about at the same time?” she asked.

Stop, she thought. Now you’re going to see them wet and half-naked, and what good is going to come of that?

You. Are. Leaving. TOMORROW.

She leaned her head back and saw the two of them looking at each other. There was still something they weren’t telling her, she was totally certain, and whatever it was, she could see it for a moment in the glance between them.

“Okay,” they said, nearly in unison.

Then Austin grabbed the neck of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, and at the same time, Trevor took his off by the hem.

Sloane tried uselessly not to stare.