Page 60 of A Bear's Secret

It took a long, long time.

She thinks I’m lying, Trevor thought. Why didn’t I ask for a lawyer?

Then the woman leaned over and very nearly smiled, like she was sharing a secret with him.

“You’re not on their emails where they organized the militia,” she said, her voice low. “No one can put you at the fire last night. If your alibi checks out, you’re free to go.”

* * *

It tookall afternoon and then half the evening, but at nearly nine, a Ponderosa County deputy came and got Trevor from his holding cell, handing him a small bag that contained his wallet and keys, both of which had been taken from him.

“Sorry about that, Trevor,” he said, and Trevor looked at the man, whose face he vaguely recognized. “You can go on your way, now.”

“Hey!” shouted a voice from the other holding cell. “Why’s he get off?”

It was Trevor’s father. He felt his fur stand on end beneath his skin, prickling underneath.

“Because I didn’t do anything,” Trevor said. “I didn’t set fire to anyone’s house and I didn’t try to raise a militia.”

“Yeah, but how could you prove it?” his old man asked. A grin crossed his face, showing all his teeth, and Trevor bit back a snarl.

Trevor took a step forward, almost to the bars of the holding cell, his father leering at him.

“I was at the Double Moon Ranch all last night,” he said, softly. His heart felt like it was soaring in his chest.

His father frowned.

“Do you want to know why?”

No response. Trevor felt giddy, and he was suddenly afraid he might laugh in his father’s face.

“That’s where my mate lives,” Trevor said.

“You don’t have a mate,” his father said, disgust in his voice.

Trevor just smiled and crossed his arms.

“Yes, I do,” he said.

Then he walked away.

“Wait!” shouted his father. “Who?”

Trevor opened the door to the lobby of the police station.

“It’s that bear, isn’t it? Isn’t it?”

Trevor could hear his father kicking the bars of the cell, the other wolves murmuring behind him.

“You’re no son of mine!”

Trevor let the door shut behind him.

* * *

When he walkedinto the waiting area, Austin and Sloane were there, and they both jumped out of their seats, embracing him hard.

“Are you okay?” Sloane asked, anxiously.