“Come on,” Trevor said, his voice low and dangerous. He felt like he was about to burst out of his own skin with wanting, and however it happened, he needed Austin, right now.
He pushed Austin and Austin went over, the two men tumbling together on a thin blanket that was all that separated them from the hard wooden floor of the cabin, growling and moaning like wild animals.
At last, Austin had Trevor pinned, facing forward, his cock sliding between the other man’s buttocks, both of them breathing hard.
Trevor laughed.
“I let you win,” he said, still gasping for breath.
“Is that so?” Austin growled.
It wasn’t. Trevor was big, over six feet, but Austin was a goddamned grizzly and had a good three inches and thirty pounds on him. He lifted a floorboard and took out a little tub of Vaseline and rubbed it on his cock one-handed, his other hand still pinning Trevor even though Trevor wasn’t exactly fighting him.
Without a word, Austin put the tip of his cock on Trevor’s back entrance, and Trevor relaxed. It was instinctual by now, the way that he pushed back against his mate, the only thought in his mind that he needed to feel the other man inside him, now. He imagined that Austin felt the same way when he was on the bottom.
It happened fast, as he stretched and then the head of Austin’s cock was through with a grunt. Immediately, Trevor’s pleasure centers lit up and he got to his hands and knees, rocking backward to take all of Austin in until his mate’s hips were flush with his ass, his cock buried completely inside Trevor.
“Fuck, I missed you,” he growled.
Austin bit his shoulder hard, maybe hard enough to leave a bruise, and Trevor gasped, the pleasure and pain bursting through his senses all at once as Austin withdrew and then thrust his cock into Trevor again, the sheer pleasure of being filled nearly overcoming him.
Then Austin’s hand was wrapped around his cock, pumping him in time with Austin’s own thrusts, and Trevor knew that he was finished. He clenched his teeth together and growled, doing his best not to scream as he got closer and closer to that edge, even as the edges of his vision went white.
“Fuck, Trevor,” Austin whispered, and then Trevor came hard. It felt like he was wrapped completely in his mate, utterly one with the other man as he came with his whole body. He was barely aware of Austin coming as well, the other man roaring against his back, as his hands gripped the blanket in front of him so hard that he thought he might tear holes in it.
Then, it was over. Austin pulled out, kneeling behind Trevor, and Trevor flopped himself over, out of the wet spot, and laid back down in front of the fire. It hadn’t taken fifteen minutes, but both of them felt completely spent, and Austin crawled to Trevor, lying against the other man, letting Trevor’s arm encircle him.
“And so the lion laid down with the lamb,” Austin intoned.
Trevor rolled his eyes. For some reason, Austin thought that was a great joke to make every time they had sex, even though neither of them was a lion or a lamb.
“You know that’s not actually in the bible, right?” Trevor asked.
“Sure it is,” said Austin. “I learned it in Sunday school.”
“The bible says something about wolves and lambs, but never wolves and bears.”
Austin just shrugged, and for a few long moments, they both watched the fire.
Finally, Trevor spoke up.
“What’s her name?”
“Sloane,” Trevor said, letting her name drip over his tongue. He thought about her again, about her curves just barely visible under the ugly clothes she’d been wearing, about the way she didn’t seem to have any fear about going off with a cop or being between a bunch of different shifters.
“She’s through-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail,” Austin said.
“No shit,” said Trevor. “That’s a long hike. Is she going north or south?”
“Not too much left,” said Trevor. “Except the hardest part.”
“That’s probably why she’s staying with us,” said Austin. “Get a good rest in before tackling the high Sierra.”
The high Sierra were no joke, and Trevor knew it. He’d spent a winter there when he was seventeen, as a wolf. Mostly his own dumb fault, but he just hadn’t thought anything through. After everything had gone down with his parents, he’d wanted to get as far away from them as he could, show them that he didn’t need them anyway, so he’d gone up there.