Page 14 of A Bear's Secret

Chapter Five


He’s not coming,Trevor thought. He poked the fire with the long, sturdy stick that he’d brought in from outside, and listened to it crackle and pop, sitting naked on the old blanket that the two of them kept in the shack.

Of course he’s coming,he told himself. Austin’s the only person who’s never let you down. He’s just late, probably because he couldn’t get out of the house on time.

He’ll be here.

He’s always here.

The door swung open, and there he was. Just like always, Trevor’s heart slammed into his chest and he got to his feet.

Just like always, Austin grinned, stepped inside, and shut the door behind himself.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said in that voice that sent waves of pleasure down Trevor’s spine.

“You get held up?” Trevor asked.

Austin didn’t answer. Instead he walked to where Trevor stood and pressed his lips to the other man’s. They were still cool from the outdoors, but firm, solid in a way that nothing else ever was.

Trevor wrapped his hand around the back of Austin’s head, gripping him by the hair, and holding him tight as he bit Austin’s bottom lip, hard. Almost too hard, but not quite, just enough to get a gasp out of the other man.

Austin parted his lips and Trevor licked the spot he’d bitten as he pushed his tongue though, seeking out Austin’s and then there it was, snaking against his own, almost like they were fighting.

Then Austin’s hand was on him, holding his jaw, then his other hand on his hip, his fingers digging into the hard muscles of his back and ass. Trevor could feel Austin’s teeth on his own lips but he pressed himself even harder against the other man, like he could never be close enough.

The fire crackled. Neither of them spoke, even as their lips parted and the only noise besides the crackle of the fire was the sound of them panting for breath. Trevor fastened his lips against Austin’s jaw, feeling his mate’s steady heartbeat with his mouth. He had the urge to bite him, hard enough to leave a mark, or suck on that sweet, tender flesh until it bruised.

Then, everyone would know Austin was his.

Instead he brushed his lips lower on Austin’s neck, his teeth fitting against Austin’s collarbone as a long, low growl erupted out of the other man, his fingers tightening even more against Trevor’s back. He could feel Austin’s fingernails against his skin as half-circle pinpricks, the sensation hovering somewhere between pain and pleasure.

A moan escaped Trevor’s lips, and over his head, Austin chuckled.

“Any way I can make my tardiness up to you?” he asked. Trevor felt like Austin’s voice reverberated through him, shaking every cell in his body.

“I could think of a few things,” Trevor said, breaking into a grin himself. “What did you have in mind?”

With no warning, Austin bent his shoulder to Trevor’s chest and pushed him against the wall, linebacker style. The wind went out of Trevor and the little building shook and held, but Austin’s mouth was already sliding down his body.

He could barely tell the heat of the fire and the heat of Austin’s lips apart, except where the heat of the fire touched his skin didn’t feel like it left a molten trail behind. His hands scrabbled at the gray, weather-worn wood behind him, and Trevor felt like his world was tilting, like he needed to find something to hold onto.

Austin bit the point of his hip, hard, and Trevor yelped, then laughed.

Then Austin wrapped his lips around the tip of Trevor’s cock, and Trevor’s mind went utterly blank. All he knew was the perfect warmth of Austin’s mouth as it slid slowly down his shaft. Someone was moaning, and it took Trevor a few moments to realize that it was him.

As Austin moved his head back, he swirled his tongue around the head of Trevor’s cock again, making Trevor go weak in the knees.

“Fuck yes,” Trevor whispered, both his hands now buried in Austin’s hair. He never wanted this to end, just wanted to feel the total slow bliss forever.

“Do you forgive me for being late?” Austin asked. He let his tongue dart out to lick at Trevor as he asked, and in the back of his throat, Trevor made a noise that he didn’t even recognize as his own.

“Not yet,” he murmured, pushing Austin’s head down onto his cock again. Austin went eagerly, bobbing his head up and down, swirling his tongue up and down Trevor’s shaft until he had the other man on the very brink.

Then Austin rocked back on his heels, took Trevor’s hands in his own, and pulled.

They both tumbled to the floor in a heap of warm flesh and Trevor’s hands slid along Austin’s body, feeling the muscles as they tensed and bunched under the skin, finally grabbing onto the other man’s cock as Austin pinned him down, his face hovering above Trevor’s, growling.