Page 37 of A Bear's Protection

“That one didn’t, so I let myself think it was just asshole teenagers,” she said.

Then she went still.

Hunter was still ready to tear up everything in Granite Valley until he found this guy who was stalking Cora, but something told him Cora wasn’t done.

He narrowed his eyes.

“What is it?” he asked.

“The last picture he sent me before I moved had a knife in it,” she blurted out, looking at the ground. “He was holding the knife up in the foreground of the picture, and I’m asleep in the background.”

Ash turned and stomped for the door.

“That fucker—”

“Wait,” Cora said.

Ash stopped.

“You can’t just go murder him,” she said.

“I definitely can,” said Ash.

“She means legally,” Hunter said. He forced himself to stay still, even though he wanted to taste Neil’s blood just as much as Ash did.

“You don’t even know where he is,” Cora pointed out.

“There are only so many motels in Granite Valley,” he said.

“So you’re going to tear through all of them, terrorizing everyone until you find him?” Cora asked.

Ash hesitated. He glanced at the door one more time, then walked back into the living room and sat on the couch, glowering.

“I’ll be okay here for the night,” Cora said. She walked over and sat on the coffee table, facing Ash on the couch and Hunter, still standing behind the couch.

“If he tries anything while you’re here I swear to god I’ll tear him into a million pieces,” Ash offered.

“You could just arrest him,” Cora said.

Ash shrugged.

“We’ll see,” he said.

“We’ll figure this out tomorrow,” she said. “Once we’ve gotten some sleep and we’re not so rattled. There’s gotta be a way we can catch him.”

Ash nodded. He finally unfurled his hands and rubbed his palms on his pants, the very picture of concentration.

Suddenly, he spoke up.

“The note said he’d see you soon,” he said. “Is that anything?”

Cora leaned back on her hands, still sitting on their coffee table, and thought for a moment.

“Maybe,” she said, thoughtfully. “I don’t think he’s ever said he’d see me before.”

“It sounds like a threat,” offered Hunter.

He walked around the couch and sat next to Ash, Cora’s knees in between theirs.