Page 13 of A Bear's Protection

“Pizza’s almost up,” she called back. “Slicing it now.”

“Could we actually get that to go?”

She peeked around the corner and frowned.

“Everything okay?”

I need to go fuck my mate, Hunter thought. Now now NOW.

“Just got a call in that I should go see about,” Ash responded.

Hunter was impressed. He gripped the legs of his jeans so tight in his hands that he thought he might rip the denim, but Ash managed to keep cool, calm, and collected.

“No problem, sweetpea,” Gloria responded.

Hunter stood, his keys in his hand. A few moments later, Gloria handed the pizza over the counter.

“Thanks,” he managed to say. “Sorry for the rush.”

“It’s no problem at all,” she said, but Hunter and Ash were already leaving through the back door, the one that led to the parking lot. Ash’s pickup truck, the thing he drove off-duty, was parked right next to Hunter’s SUV, only a couple of feet between them. There were no other cars in the lot, the two vehicles secluded from the road and the restaurant.

Ash unlocked his truck and looked at Hunter, his eyes desperate with lust.

“I’ll see you at—”

Hunter didn’t let him finish his sentence. Instead he pushed the other man up against the doorjamb of his truck, haphazardly tossing the pizza into the bed of the truck, and kissed him on the mouth, so hard that he drew blood.