There was some muffled sound on the other end. Like she was talking to someone else.

“I’m close to the Norwood Junction station,” Jessica finally said. “Can I meet you around there?”

That was a lie. That wasn’t the closest station, but it would work for his purposes.

“Fuck. Yes. I know a little place around there. I’ll text you. Half an hour. Be there—alone—when I get there, or no deal.”

Oliver ended the call and straightened. His legs felt a bit like jelly after that run. He wasn’t much for the physical stuff, least of all running.

He glanced up and down the road then crept into the shadows.

There was a time when he’d had a plug who met him around here. That was ages ago, but this little courtyard between buildings was the perfect out-of-the-way spot. Residents here weren’t quick to report crime either because it happened so often. There was a good chance he’d get away without anyone the wiser.

The boss better reward him handsomely for this. Though chances were Mr. Edward would consider this just part of the job. Fucking hell.

Fifteen minutes passed, and he began to get antsy, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

She should show up any moment now. Any damn moment.

Where the hell was she?

What would he do if she didn’t come?

He’d look like a fool, that’s for sure. And then he would lose his direct line to her. Because he couldn’t risk looking weak.


He shouldn’t have given the ultimatum about destroying the files.

Oliver lifted his head and listened.

Were those…?


He heard footsteps.

Grinning, he pressed his back to the brick and watched the street.

A lone figure with pale hair walked down the sidewalk on the other side of the street, peering at her phone. She paused, then turned and looked almost directly at him. Least it felt that way.

She glanced up and down the road before venturing across at a brisk pace.

Oliver’s gaze slid behind her.

Had she come alone? Were the men with her? How close were they?

He couldn’t imagine they were far. He would have to move quickly, subdue her, and get out before either of her bodyguards figured out what was going on. If either of them were like him, they would be watching from a safe vantage point.

The car was too fucking far away.

He should have moved it closer.


He could do this. He had a gun, not that he’d actually shot one before. They were easy enough. Put the bullets in. Take the safety off. Pull the trigger.

If he got her off the street and out of sight, they’d be fine.