Jessica couldn’t help but wonder, what drove her? What was it about this case that consumed her?

This had all started for Jessica because of Daar Suleiman killing Robin’s mother back when she was a kid. The whole time both Jessica and Robin thought the danger only extended as far as Daar. It wasn’t until Daar was fighting for his life in the hospital that Jessica came to understand it was a much bigger problem. Daar was the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

Working this much couldn’t be healthy, and yet Jessica completely understood Zora. That drive spoke to a deeply seated need in Jessica as well. A need to make things right. To improve the world, she lived in.

It wasn’t until they were passing into the office that Jessica realized the sign on the door was assistant director, not director.

Zora had a boss. Someone over her that was really calling the shots.

So who the hell was that person? And where were they? She didn’t think she’d ever heard of anyone mention a person other than Zora. That was strange, but something to worry about later.

“Morning,” Zora said briskly and stood from behind her desk. Her gaze went from Samuel to the hand he had on Jessica’s back to her face. “I hope I didn’t wake you two.”

“Not at all,” Samuel said smoothly.

Zora didn’t comment further.

Did she know?

Jessica hadn’t felt like it was her place to divulge her relationship with Samuel to anyone other than Robin. And yet, she felt like Zora already knew. Or had maybe always known.

“Have a seat?” she gestured to the same peacock blue seats as before. “Jessica, what do you know about your contact, Oliver Taylor?”

“I know that Oliver was one of the most popular baby names in the last two years and that Taylor is in the top five most common surnames in the UK. Chances are high my contact is using an alias, so I am confident in saying I know nothing for certain.”

Zora nodded slowly. “I was thinking along the same lines.”

Jessica shrugged. “Given who we’re talking about, I’m not surprised this guy would use an alias. It’s the smart thing to do. That said, his intel has been accurate, as far as I’ve been able to tell.”

Zora tapped her phone then glanced up at Jessica. “That’s what I’m worried about. You’re right, this Oliver Taylor has been a well of information. How does he know so much? Who else is he telling? Why is he sharing?”

“He isn’t talking to me willingly. I have a contact in the UK who owed me a favor. I asked them to find me a source. They found me Oliver. My understanding is that Oliver owes my contact a great debt, and this is part of how he pays it off. Getting anything out of him is like giving a cat a bath.”

Samuel snorted while Zora didn’t so much as blink. Tough crowd.

She leaned forward. “And you’re certain he won’t say more? Your contact can’t lean on him harder?”

Jessica shook her head slowly. “I’ve been trying to do that for a week. Nothing. It doesn’t help that the guy who found Oliver for me hasn’t been answering my messages. Doesn’t give me any leverage to make Oliver talk, which is probably why he hasn’t backed down from his demand to only talk in person.”

Zora’s gaze traveled down then up Jessica’s body. “How are you feeling? Any problems?”

The sudden shift in questioning felt deliberate. Like Zora was circling toward an end goal.

What was she getting at?

“I’m fine,” Jessica answered.

“Are you fine enough to fly to London and meet with this source? Hear what he has to say in person?”

“No,” Samuel said immediately. “No, way.”

Zora’s gaze flicked to him, then back to Jessica. “I would send Samuel, Baruti, and Kelsey to escort you and keep you safe. I know I can trust them completely. Our liaison with UK law enforcement would ensure quick support, should you need it, but I’d like for this trip to be as fast as possible. There and back. That’s it. If you’re up to it?”

“This is a terrible idea,” Samuel said.

Jessica reached over and pressed her hand to his knee. She knew him well enough all his arguments were in her head. And she understood his concern, especially considering what they’d just lived through. But it still didn’t change her answer.

“When can we leave?” Jessica asked.