Jessica resisted the urge to rub her chest. It had become a habit whenever she felt deeply. Anything that touched her heart, it felt as though her scars ached. It was all in her head and she knew it. Still, she hurt for those lost lives.

Samuel nodded at her. “Jessica still has her laptop. It’s the only thing we escaped with. I’m thinking she was close to something Edward didn’t want revealed.”

She swallowed and set the backpack on her lap. It was a miracle the water hadn’t damaged it.

Zora’s gaze came to rest on Jessica. “I’m aware of your investigation. I must confess, I didn’t think that highly of what you were doing. I assumed your contacts would be sketchy at best. It turns out I was wrong about you.”

Jessica felt as though a microscope had been aimed directly at her. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

“I’d be interested in looking at what you’ve uncovered,” Zora said.

Jessica set the laptop on her thighs. “I can give you what I have.”


She’d offered before but received nothing but silence as a reply.

“That would be ideal. Diha can do an initial analysis. She should be in early today, while you two are still resting. I imagine you’re both in need of some sleep, food, and hot showers.”

Jessica groaned. “Yes, please.”

Zora grabbed a pen and a sticky note off the coffee table in front of them. She jotted something down then handed it to Jessica. “My email. Samuel can get you connected to the Wi-Fi to send it. I propose the two of you make use of the quarters here. I can get Baruti and Robin to bring you whatever you need in the morning.”

“Thank you,” Samuel said. “I think we’re both at our limit.”

“Do you need a doctor? How are you both healing up?”

“I’m good,” he said. “My routine was mostly vitamins and working on adding in exercise, getting my core strength back up.”

“I’m good, too,” Jessica said, ignoring Samuel’s scowl.

“Your heart though?” he asked.

She glanced at him, choosing to find his attentiveness adorable instead of utterly annoying. “It’s still undecided if the damage to the valve needs surgery or not. It’s why I’m not cleared for anything more strenuous than walking until the doctors pronounce me completely healed. Slow and steady recovery. That’s the plan.”

There would be stress tests later, but she didn’t want to get into that.

“Have you eaten?” Zora asked.

“On the road.” Samuel glanced at Jessica. “I just want to sleep. You?”

Her shoulder’s slumped, and she nodded. “Stretching and sleep.”

“I won’t keep you then.” Zora stood.

“Is the team okay?” Jessica asked in a rush before they were kicked out.

Zora glanced at Samuel then Jessica. “They’re fine.”

She didn’t think she’d get more of an answer out of Zora, so Jessica smiled and said her thanks. Samuel promised he’d show her the available accommodations then they were dismissed. It wasn’t an outright dismissal, but Jessica recognized it for what it was.

Samuel led the way back out into the confusing warren of halls. They were alone, and Jessica felt as though the last of her strength was just sucked out of her. She glanced up at Samuel and found him looking at her.

“What?” she asked.


She frowned. “Nothing is never nothing.”