“I do understand. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

A gas station sign came into view ahead.

She glanced at Samuel. “I don’t want to drive anymore. I know. I’m sorry. I wanted to be in control, now I just… I don’t. I’m sorry I overreacted. I’m sorry I yelled. I’m sorry, okay? Want to fill up and trade back?”


Did he think she was totally out of her mind now? Because she felt like she was spinning out. Maybe she wasn’t just reacting to this morning, but everything in the last twenty-four hours?

Jessica pulled the Jeep into the gas station parking lot and stopped at a pump. Samuel was out while she was still sitting boneless behind the wheel, exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the last—what? Ten freaking minutes?

The driver’s side door opened and Samuel braced his hands on the top of the Jeep. She turned her face up to look at him.

“I could use a nap now,” she said.

“You should try to sleep then.”

She shook her head. “What are you going to over-think while I sleep? No, thank you. We just made that mistake.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “I want to crawl under a rock right now. I did not mean to cause a problem.”

“You’d crawl under a rock and leave me alone right now? How cruel are you?” She turned so that her legs dangled and she faced him. “Are we okay? Because I woke up pretty optimistic about things and now I feel all over the place. I guess what I’m really saying is, please reassure me everything is okay, sir.”

“I’m taking it all in. I was not expecting to hear you say the attraction was mutual, so I’m processing. But, everything should be okay. And next time I think something is wrong, we’ll talk about it.”

“That’s fair. Do you regret…?”



He didn’t even hesitate.

The last of her rawness was soothed away with one simple word.

Jessica slid off the driver’s seat. There wasn’t much room between the Jeep and the pump for the two of them. Only a few inches separated their bodies, but it felt like an ocean.

“Can I have a hug?” she asked. Given this little misunderstanding, asking seemed better than assuming.

Samuel pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. She slid hers around his waist and laid her cheek on his shoulder, sighing as a sense of rightness wrapped around her. For such a stiff guy, this was the perfect hug. Not too tight, but she wasn’t going to escape his embrace either. One hand slid up her back then down, and with each pass, she felt the tension leaking out of her.

There was no doubt she was still reeling a little, but she could also acknowledge that in a sense, Samuel was right. Stress and trauma did things to the mind and body. For her, last night had been the calm within the storm. Being with Samuel like that wasn’t something she wanted to regret. But she could also fess up that her over-reaction was more than likely directly connected to ongoing trauma from yesterday. Because they still had no closure. They weren’t safe. Everything could go to hell in an instant.

Jessica eased back, fully aware that she could probably live quite happily in Samuel’s arms. She’d admired those biceps and shoulders long enough, it was more than enjoyable to feel them wrapped around her again.

His hands came to gently clasp her arms, keeping her close.

“I don’t know what happens next…”

“Well, still pumping gas so you can adjust the seat, or…” Was she going to? When had she ever not? “You could kiss me.”

His brows rose, but otherwise, his expression remained the same.

Damn him and his iron-clad poker face. She’d figure out his tell eventually, or how to ruffle his feathers. More than anything, she was enjoying the freedom of being able to just watch him because she wanted to. He was so handsome.

And he still wasn’t saying anything. Was he honestly surprised at her suggestion? Did she need to make the man a gold-embossed invitation?

Samuel slid one hand up her arm to her shoulder then her cheek.