“Ride me,” he said and lifted her.

Holy shit.

His dark gaze bored into hers, lending her new strength.

“That’s it,” he muttered.

Samuel fall back to the bed, but his hands remained on her hips, guiding her as he moved in time with her motions. She watched the way his face went from hard to hungry and back again.

Tension built low in her stomach, driving her weakening legs to hold out a little longer.

His hand dropped from her hip to her pussy. Once more his fingers stroked her folds, but this time he drew the moisture forward to her clit.

She wasn’t close enough.

Not yet.

“S-Samuel, I—”

Jessica opened her mouth to tell him, to warn him she needed more, but at that moment he proved he knew how to play her body better than she did. A single, gentle caress to her clit and that was it. Pleasure erupted out of her. She was vaguely aware of Samuel grabbing her hips and moving her on his cock in a few, frenzied motions before he clutched her close. She felt it as if from a distance because she was already floating, utterly content to be in his arms.

Samuel Jenkins was going to ruin her for all time and all men, and she didn’t give a damn.

Chapter Seven

Friday. I-70 Eastbound.

Samuel stared straight ahead at the gray horizon. The sun would be up in another hour, hour and a half. He’d be grateful for the sunglasses Jessica had grabbed for the both of them last night. It was going to be a long haul today.

He’d slept for exactly four hours before his eyes popped open and he hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. Despite his soreness and exhaustion, his mind had been racing. And if he were completely honest with himself, the very naked woman lying next to him had played a part as well. He’d probably lain there for half an hour doing mental gymnastics as he thought through the night before.

Eventually, he had gotten up and tried the other bed. They’d both been so drained they’d fallen fast asleep almost immediately, a fact he wasn’t proud of. At no point had sleeping arrangements been discussed, so it seemed like the respectful thing to do. However, he discovered very quickly the frame and box spring were broken. Someone must have had an exceptionally wild party here. There was no way to lie on that mattress without fighting gravity and rolling off. Under normal circumstances, he’d have made it work, but he had to be real with himself. He’d pushed his still-healing body to the limits yesterday. Today would be long. He had to be kind to himself when and where he could.

By the time he’d showered and decided the best thing was to lie down with Jessica again, she’d been awake and wanted to shower as well. At that point, there was no reason not to get on the road.

So here they were.

An hour later.

And not more than a dozen words spoken between them apart from where to grab breakfast.

This was not great.

Jessica was not a woman who was ever at a loss for words. The fact that she hadn’t said much had to mean that she wasn’t thrilled with him. She might even hate him now. And here they’d finally sorted things out between them for like ten glorious hours. Probably not even that if he did the math right.

Fucking hell.

He’d replayed last night a dozen times already and while it was his every fantasy brought to life, he also knew he’d fucked up. Though he’d known exactly what they were doing and why he hadn’t stopped himself. Jessica didn’t understand. She was probably mired in a lot of emotions and confusion. And it was his fucking fault.

They had a thousand miles to cover today. That was at the very least sixteen hours between driving and stops, probably more with road delays and traffic. At some point, they’d have to talk.

Did he rip the bandage off now? Or wait? Would she feel unsafe and trapped after they talked? What was best for her?

The last thing he wanted to happen was Jessica needing to part ways with him because she felt unsafe. If it came down to it and she wanted to get as far from him as possible, he’d get out of the Jeep and make a call to Zora. It was a risk, but it kept Jessica moving and safe.

Colombia was fast approaching. It was a nice-sized college town. He’d studied the route yesterday while they ate. The best plan would be to wait until St. Louis where there was more city to get lost in. Plus, there would be an FBI field office there if he needed immediate assistance.

His mind continued to spin out of control. Baruti would chastise him for over-thinking. This was what Samuel did. He rolled problems around in his head until they were chipped and smoothed down into an actionable first step. But that process might take hours or days.