Those Aegis Group sons of bitches were the best damn thing to happen in a long time. They must have realized what Jessica was doing and followed her. Those bastards. He was so damn grateful for those cockroaches.


Samuel shoved Oliver aside. He had to make choices right now and getting her somewhere safe was most important.

Something hard hit Samuel over the head and he went to his knees as his vision went dark then blurry. He crouched on one knee, fighting to remain aware. Losing consciousness now meant death.

He shook his head and glanced around, but Oliver and Jessica were gone.


He whipped his head around too fast and the world spun, but not before he glimpsed pale, blonde hair disappearing into shadow.


Samuel sprinted forward, keeping low, and circled around the front of the van so he could use it for cover. The shooters were too focused on whoever was firing from across the street to pay him any mind.

He charged forward, across the cobblestones as the rain finally began to fall. He hit the wall next to the door and spared a moment to rip the duct tape off his wrists. If he was going to find and save Jessica, he would need both hands.

“Get off me!” Her voice echoed off the brick and concrete, sounding more distant now.

Samuel ducked his head and charged into the building.

Dusty racks of things lined the walls. A few industrial metal shelving units ran the length of the space with a wide walkway between. Samuel side-stepped through the dimly lit room, heading deeper into the building, following the sounds of struggle.

Keep fighting, baby…

Men yelled in the distance.

Samuel might have been content to drag this out until the police arrived, but he didn’t have a lot of faith in the UK cops now that they knew Edward had his hooks in deep there. No, they had to finish this before the police arrived.

He jogged through the room to the next open doorway. It was darkness beyond save for the hall on the other side of the small office-like room. It didn’t look like anyone had worked here in ages. Cobwebs clung to the ceiling and there was a thick layer of dust on the shelves.

This was more than likely a hub for Edward. A place he used to move goods and people around without too many prying eyes. With luck, there weren’t many people around.

Where was she?

Samuel strained to listen. He leaned through the doorway, peering left then right.

“What are you doing?” someone shouted. Was that Maxwell? Or Oliver?

“Let go of me!” Jessica demanded.

Samuel turned left, jogging down the hall.

How many bullets did he have?

He slowed as he neared a doorway with light shining out of it and checked the chamber.

There was one shot ready at least. For all he knew it could be the only one.

He peered into the room.

Oliver had Jessica’s arms wrenched up behind her back.

A second man stalked out of the room and spoke over his shoulder, “Keep a hold of her.”

Samuel held his breath and waited.