They were all pushing themselves.

Neither of them said much. His body was relaxed, his mind winding down.

Samuel took Jessica by the hand and led her back to bed. She crawled in and he was quick to follow, though this wasn’t his room. Eventually, he’d need to leave so Kelsey could come back. But for a moment, he just wanted to hold Jessica.

She flashed her phone in his face, practically blinding him. “Baruti texted and said Kelsey has already passed out in your bed.”

“Shit,” Samuel muttered.

He would hear about this later. Kelsey wouldn’t pass up the chance to have a laugh at him over this. But was he really embarrassed?

Jessica wiggled her hips against his groin as she settled in.


He was not the least bit embarrassed.

She put her phone away, then drew his arm around her. He kissed her shoulder and breathed a sigh.

They were okay.

All of them.

For now.

She trailed her fingers over the back of his hand in lazy circles.

“We should sleep with clothes on,” he said, hating to be the reasonable one.

“In a minute?”

He squeezed her a little tighter.

They lay like that for a while. Just existing in this pleasant little bubble.

Samuel was the one to break it. His mind just wouldn’t stop. He rose up on an elbow so he could talk to something besides the back of her head. She rolled toward him, the better to look up.

“Are we okay?” he asked.

“Yeah.” She blinked up at him. “Did you think we weren’t?”

He grimaced. “Why else wouldn’t you tell me you were doing something reckless?

She sighed heavily. “Because deep down, I knew you and Baruti would probably try to push it back or delay it out of an abundance of caution.”

“You are right on that front.”

“And you would have been right. I let my ego and my need to do something over-ride my better judgment. I’m sorry.”

He blew out a breath. “That’s one lesson you’re going to have to learn.”

She nodded.

He reached up and smoothed a bit of hair off her face. “I’d also like it if we could stop having sex because we’re in a high-emotional state.”

Her face lit up, and she wiggled around to face him. “I like where this is headed. Tell me more?”

Samuel chuckled and propped his chin on his hand. “You aren’t mad?”