“Samuel,” she muttered.

He was breathing heavily now. It was hard to think past the throbbing of his cock and her soft body wrapped around him.

“Put me out of my misery and fuck me already, will you?” she whispered.

There were reasons not to. Very good ones he didn’t give two shits about right now.

He eased his hold on her and she dropped her legs to the ground.

He stared back at her. “Someday we’re going to do this right. With no hurrying.”

Jessica grinned at him. “I’ll be there.”

He reached for her pants while she pulled her shirt off. Their hands tangled as they rushed to strip off clothes. He wasn’t kidding about wanting time to linger. Every time they were together, it wasn’t exactly an opportune moment. He wanted to savor her. Learn all her ticklish places. What made her moan and what buttons to press until she clawed his back and begged for release.

The moment Jessica kicked off her leggings, Samuel grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet. Her greedy hands clenched his face, bringing their mouths back together for a kiss that felt as if it touched all of him.

It was pure mutual need. And he wanted more. Everything she would give him.

Samuel stroked her pussy, delighted to find her wet for him.

“Fuck me, Samuel,” she whispered. “I want you.”

He thrust into her and groaned. Jessica clutched his shoulders and threw back her head. He swiped his fingers over her nipple and grinned when she hissed.

She was so responsive.

He tilted his hips, pressing up into her. Her jaw dropped,, and she moaned as he slid in deeper.

This was perfection.

Jessica’s legs tightened around him and she sealed her lips over his. She was so honest, so open. There was no performative aspect to Jessica. She was honest in her pleasure.

He gripped her hips and pulled away from her, swallowing her whimpers. He held her there with barely the tip of his cock being hugged by her tight little pussy. Without warning, he thrust, sinking all the way into her.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned.


“What?” One side of her mouth hitched up. “I’m never going to hide how much I want you. Not from anyone.”

“Fucking hell.” He braced a hand against the wall. “You can’t just say shit like that, Jess.”

“Yes, I can.” Her hands slid down his back as she worked her hips in a circle. “I want you, and I’m not about to let you forget that.”

“As if I could with the way you hug this cock.”

She drove her heels into his ass. “Give it to me.”

How could he not oblige?

Samuel thrust, staring deep into her eyes, losing himself in the desire for her. He was no relationship savant, but he knew this was a good thing. And he wasn’t about to let her go.

Jessica came chanting his name with her nails digging into his shoulders. It was sudden, and she hugged his cock so tight the sheer pleasure of her orgasm teased his out. It rolled up out of him in waves of pleasure, leaving him drained and very aware of the fact that he’d been laid up for two solid months.

He clutched her close and for several moments neither of them spoke or moved beyond, hands sliding over skin. But after a few moments, he carried them into the small bathroom.

There was something far more intimate about the aftercare of sex with Jessica. It was the teasing brush of fingers, the demure smiles, and how her eyes grew heavy-lidded, betraying her exhaustion.