She covered her face with her hands. “I cannot believe I just told you that. I cannot believe I did that!”

“What did the troublemaker do?”

Jessica shook her head.

“What’d he do?”

Her hands parted. “Well, he never so much as looked at me again, that’s for sure.”

He pulled her back against his side, smothering his laughter with his other hand.

Tonight was about feeling safe and grieving. They both needed to decompress. But she’d just given him ideas he intended to follow up on. Unlike that boy, Samuel recognized Jessica for the kind of confident, capable woman she really was. And for a real man, that was worth getting on his knees and doing a little worshiping.


Chapter Eleven

Sunday. Task Force Headquarters, Fairfax, VA

Jessica barely dared to breathe. Samuel’s arm was wrapped around her and his face buried in the crook of her neck. She’d never slept with anyone who cuddled this much. Hell, she’d never have pegged stern ass Samuel as a card-carrying cuddler, but here they were.

It helped that the room was chilly and his warmth welcome. If it weren’t for her brain deciding it was time to be very awake, she’d probably have dozed off again. The bed wasn’t the most comfortable, but the company made all the difference.

Her head was a little achy and her mouth bone dry, but she didn’t appear to have a hangover. It wasn’t for lack of trying on her part, clearly.

Used to, she’d held her booze just as well as anyone else.

How was it she’d lost all of her tolerance for alcohol in two months?

Talk about embarrassing.

She’d sobered up enough by the point Samuel showed up she remembered every silly thing she’d said.


Why had she told him about the face humping?

Jessica would never live that down. The guy had been a jerk. He deserved to get taken down a few pegs and embarrassed. She just wished that taking him down hadn’t been her job. It was after that when she’d first been told she was too much for a guy.

Had last night been too much for Samuel? Had she scared him away?

The fears propping up those two questions quickly eroded.

If Samuel thought poorly of her behavior, he’d say something. The man had zero problems with that. He’d not only stuck around all evening, but they’d eaten and watched a movie. She’d enjoyed his company and appreciated how he reached for her. It wasn’t all cuddling. After her right side pretty much went numb from the way she was leaned over on him, she’d laid on her left and dozed while he watched the news. And woken up to him gently rubbing her feet and asking about her ankle.

Were those the actions of a man grossed out by her college behavior?

A deep breath that wasn’t hers tickled her neck, and she shivered. The arm around her tightened, pulling her more firmly back against Samuel’s chest. He shifted slightly, pressing his pelvis to the curve of her bottom—and good morning.

She wiggled her hips a tiny bit and received a low groan.

Jessica turned her head into the pillow, muffling her amusement.

“I hear you,” Samuel’s deep, sleep roughened voice said.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “Go back to sleep.”

“It’s morning.”