Was it a good idea to say all of this in front of her?

Jessica’s head lolled to the side and her eyes were barely open.

“Shit.” He crossed to her side and cupped her face. “Jess?”

“She only had two glasses, but they were heavy pours,” Diha said. “I didn’t realize how much was in the glasses or I’d have said something sooner.”

Jessica’s hand wrapped around his wrist and she pressed his palm more firmly to her cheek. “I did a bad thing…”

“I can see that. How’s your stomach?” he asked.

“I don’t feel like hurling quite as much.”

“Want to go back to bed?”

Her lower lip quivered. “Please? Dear God, my head hurts, the room is still spinning, and I just really want to stop talking.”

“Can you walk? Or should I roll you?”

Jessica shot to her feet. “I’ll walk!”

No sooner was she upright than she tipped to the right. He grasped her by the arm and pulled her against him.

“I’m going to be here a while longer if you want to take a minute to collect yourself,” Diha suggested.

Jessica leaned her head on his shoulder. “I want to be horizontal.”

Samuel slid his hand up and down her arm and glanced at Diha, who was looking at them with wide eyes.

Well, shit.

“Come on, tipsy princess, let’s get you to your room,” he said and turned Jessica toward the door. “Thanks, Diha.”

“See you two tomorrow,” she called after them.

Jessica clung to his arm as they proceeded out of the lab and into the hall. There were fewer people around, probably because most had headed home at last.

“I used to drink way more than that,” Jessica muttered.

“Your body has changed.”

“I know that now,” she whined.

He eyed her. She looked a little less green. “Are you really okay?”

“I will be. Promise.”

Yeah, he’d wait and see. Jessica seemed like the type to gloss over her own needs.

She took care of everyone else. Who took care of her? What about Robin?

“I’m sorry,” Jessica said out of the blue.

“What for?”

“Robin’s going to pester you about me now. I’m sorry in advance.”

“Do you want her to stay with you?”