She scowled over her shoulder at him. “Well first, I’m going to change. Do you mind?”

“What are you doing, Jess?” Did she mean to leave? Didn’t she know it was dangerous?

“I told you, I’m going to change,” she snapped.

He bit the inside of his mouth.

There were so many times he’d wanted to agree with her, but had held himself back. Agreeing with her would only make things worse. She’d get it into her head she could do whatever she wanted. But he could also see how his censure had created the conflict between them.

“I’m changing,” she announced.

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Let’s talk.”

“Didn’t you hear me in the hall? What’s the point?”

“I’m tired of clashing with you.”

“Then figure out how to agree to disagree.”

Samuel was not going to take that bait. He couldn’t agree with her taking risks with herself. Not to mention he highly doubted everything she was doing was legal. Therein lay a massive problem. It was one thing for the FBI or CIA to skirt the bounds of the law. There were procedures in place that kept them from going too far. But what about her? And if things went wrong, who paid the consequences?

“Whatever.” She held up her hands and her dark lashes lowered. “I think it’s time I went home.”

“Zora hasn’t cleared that.”

“Zora isn’t the boss of me. I appreciate the security. I appreciate how concerned everyone’s been. But, I just can’t stay holed up here anymore fighting with you every day, while doing nothing.”

“Then let’s stop fighting.”

“Fighting is like, who you are.”

He shook his head. “It’s not who I want to be. I’m not usually this person.”

“Then why do we clash so much? Why can’t you ever see my side?”

“Because if I agree with you once, you’re going to go risk your neck and maybe get yourself killed. And I can’t live with that.”

Jessica blinked at him. Her lips parted, and she kept staring.

Water dripped off her soaked hair. A puddle had begun to form at her feet.

His clothes stuck to his skin, and he shivered. “I can’t support you leaving. The security team out there isn’t going to let you go, either. It’s for your own safety. I’m prepared to do whatever I need to in order to convince you to stay.”

“Will you let me read your email?” she asked.

“That’s classified.”

She grimaced then nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t think that through.”

Was there a peace offering he could give her? Something that was meaningful, but would not compromise the mission already underway? Something she wouldn’t be able to hang herself with if she pursued it?

Jessica shuddered and wrapped her arms around her. “I’m freezing. Turn around, will you?”

He glanced up from the puddle at her feet to her face. “What?”

She had the hem of her T-shirt in her hands. “Turn. Around.”

“Oh.” He spun in place then reached out and closed the hall door.