Jessica took two steps.

Edward was on top of Samuel again.

She hauled back, but Edward whirled and grabbed her ankle.

“Oh, no you don’t.” His face was red and the veins on either side of his neck stuck out.

Edward yanked, pulling her feet out from under her.

Jessica went down hard. The back of her already aching head hit the concrete, and she saw stars.

“No! Jess! Don’t touch her!” Samuel snarled.

The fight or flight instinct in her took over, giving her strength she didn’t have. She rolled over and pushed up to her knees.

Edward was ignoring her in favor of facing off with Samuel. Only, Samuel had Edward by the throat from behind. The man’s face was impossibly red now.

Jessica didn’t have the gun anymore.

Where had it gone?

Edward lifted a hand.

The light gleamed off the weapon aimed at her.

Jessica scrambled, her feet sliding on the dusty floor. She crawled on hands and knees, putting a metal barrel between her and the men. Her heart raced.

And then she heard a singular shot.

Just one.

But it was so loud it felt as if the very world had just been shattered.

She held her breath, frozen.

Who’d fired? Who was hurt? Who was fine?

Something heavy hit the ground followed by a clattering sound, as if the gun had been dropped again.

She shot up, gripping the barrel and bracing herself for the worst.

Maxwell lay with his back toward her.

Samuel reclined against the wall, his head slumped forward.

They both looked dead.

A sob tore out of her and she staggered around the barrel.

“Samuel? Samuel!”

He raised his head, though he wasn’t the least bit steady.

“Oh, my God!” She rushed forward, past Edward’s body to kneel at Samuel’s side. “Where are you hurt? How bad?”

He lifted a hand and gripped her wrist. “Go. Get out.”

“No. Not without you!”