She would save Samuel from a fate he didn’t deserve.


She whirled around and searched the crowd.

Oliver stepped forward. He wore a cap and a brown coat with the collar flipped up.

Their eyes locked, and she clenched her jaw.

He ambled toward her with a smirk on his face she wanted to slap right off. “Nice of you to make it.”

“Where’s Samuel?” she asked.

He nodded. “You came alone?”

“Of course.”

“Alright. Follow me.”

She let herself imagine all the awful things she could do to him if she picked up the lid of that garbage can and bashed him over the head with it. Her satisfaction was short-lived.

They kept walking far enough the pedestrians thinned to nothing. And then Oliver led her to a solid gate set into a tall, brick wall.

She paused on the sidewalk.

Oliver hesitated, one foot already on the other side. “This is your only chance to bargain…”

“Is he here?” she asked.

“Who? Your man?”


“Of course. This is a trade, ain’t it?”

They wanted her.

Not Samuel.

That had to count for something, right?

Jessica followed Oliver through the door and did her best not to jolt at the sound of it clanging shut behind her.

She swallowed hard as dread settled in.

“Where is he?” she asked.

Oliver waved her to follow. “This way.”

She peered around, but they were in some sort of walled-off yard. There was a loading dock and a van ahead of them and buildings on either side. The cobblestone made it seem old, like she should expect to see hoof scuffs.

Oliver headed toward the loading dock. Or at least she thought that was where he was going.

He pivoted and grabbed the back of the van, pulling it open.

A man stepped out, dragging a dazed Samuel with him.

Her heart seized, and she rushed forward without thinking and grabbed Samuel by the shoulders as he stumbled.