Oh, God. This was her fault. Oliver must have followed them back just like Baruti and Samuel feared. They must have been looking for her, and took Samuel instead.


“We’ve got a problem,” Kelsey said. “Can you drop us at a different location?”

“Sure,” the driver said.

Jessica stared at Baruti, feeling lost. This was all her fault. Baruti’s easy smile faded as he looked between them, but said nothing.

For almost half an hour they said nothing of substance. Then the car pulled up to a curb and stopped.

“Thanks,” Kelsey said and bounded out.

Jessica scrambled after her while Baruti made nice with the driver one last time.

“What are we going to do?” Jessica whispered to the other woman.

Kelsey flashed her phone at Jessica. “I’ve already informed Zora.”

“What do we do?” Jessica asked again.

“Will someone tell me what we’re doing?” Baruti asked as he slung Jessica’s bag over his shoulder.

Kelsey stared up at Baruti. “Samuel was gone. It looked like there’d been a struggle. I haven’t heard from him.”

“Shit,” Baruti muttered.

“Let’s get inside.” Kelsey waved them to follow her into a brightly lit private condo building that stretched into the sky.

“Where are we?” Jessica asked.

“Aegis Group has a safe house in London. Logan told me to come here if anything went wrong.”

She followed Kelsey in a daze, up the elevator, and into a sparsely furnished condo. Any other time she’d poke around, admire the view of the city. But not this time.

Samuel was out there somewhere, trapped and alone, because of her.

Damn it all.

“Jess?” Kelsey stopped in front of her. “Jess, I need you to go into the bedroom and stay there.”

Jessica glanced at the door. “Why?”

“Because some things you shouldn’t have to hear.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Her voice was higher now, almost frantic.

Kelsey took Jessica by the hands. “Go into the bedroom. Call Robin. Let us handle this. That’s the fastest way to get Samuel.”


“No,” Kelsey snapped. “No more questions. Logan and the guys are headed for a plane right now. They’ll be here in six to eight hours. We have a lot to do if we want to track Samuel down before they get here, okay?”

Jessica nodded. It was tough to hear there was nothing for her to do, but that was the reality of the situation. “Okay, this is me going…”

She turned and headed through a door she hoped led to a bedroom. Sure enough, it did. She closed the door behind her and crossed to sit on the foot of a large bed, her insides going numb. Her fingers felt hard to manage as she pulled out her phone and tapped Robin’s name.

The call connected almost immediately.