
That little catch in her breath and the way her body relaxed against his were too much. It was what he wanted, and yet…

Fucking hell.

A door banged open and two little dogs let out a barrage of barks.

Saved by the terrors.

Chapter Seven

Friday.SuleimanResidence,NewOrleans, LA.

Holy crap.

Robin’s knees practically knocked together.

Harper stepped smoothly away from her, creating much-needed distance for the sake of appearances.


This had been her plan all along, so why was she ready to throw something at her family for coming back when they’d said they would?

Was it really a mystery?

She glanced at Harper, already smiling at Dad and Uncle Daar.

There was a good chance Harper would never know her true intention. She might never have to tell him. That didn’t help the overwhelming wave of guilt trying to drown her right now.

She was using him. Plain and simple.

It would be easier if she didn’t want him quite so much. If he were some guy she could break up with without a second thought, her heart might not be so conflicted.

Why did he have to be such a perfect guy? Why couldn’t he have some sort of bad personality trait? Why couldn’t he be mean or at least grumpy?

“What trouble are you two getting into?” Dad asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just about to get a snack. Are you guys hungry?”

Saaina brought up the rear, openly scowling at Robin.

What for this time? For offering food to people?

It could be anything with her. Robin never knew when she was putting a foot wrong because as far as she could tell with Saaina, everything was her fault.

“Go sit down, I’ll bring out what I prepared this morning,” Saaina said loudly.

Both Dad and Uncle Daar looked at her in surprise. It was uncharacteristic of her to be that loud, but they acted like they hadn’t even noticed she was there.

Was it because Robin was taking over Saaina’s thing in the kitchen?

Who knew?

Robin smiled brightly. “Oh, you had something ready? I didn’t know. That’s wonderful. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Dad had his hand on Harper’s back and was guiding him into the sitting room. Uncle Daar followed, hands clasped behind his back.

Saaina waved Robin aside. “Go.”