“You’ll stick a knife in our back,” Amaar snarled. His face was flushed, and he stared at Peter as though he wanted to choke the life out of the man with his own hands.
“I’m on your side,” Peter yelled back.
“You have a shit way of showing it.”
“Boys,” Daar snapped.
Amaar was already moving. He shoved a hand into his laptop bag. He didn’t even get a chance to pull anything out. One of the men waiting in the wings fired, hitting Amaar in the shoulder.
“No!” Peter yelled.
Daar dove at Amaar, taking them both to the ground before the young man’s body could become Swiss cheese. Behind them, the six men Daar had brought with them returned fire, but it was a bloodbath.
Chapter Twenty-One
Friday.OfficeBuilding,NewYork City, NY.
Robin and Jessica huddled behind one of the metal desks. They littered the room with no rhyme or reason.
The man who’d shoved Robin out of the van fell to the floor. She screamed and stared into his vacant eyes.
“Saaina!” Jessica shoved at Robin. “We need to move. Go.”
Robin tipped sideways then caught herself. Jessica pushed past her, crawling on knees and bound hands away from the men with guns.
What the hell?
Robin’s heart beat to the point that it sounded like a gun. The men had scattered, shouting at each other, some screaming. Bullets pinged off the desks and tore through the walls. It was chaos. But Jessica had a point. Saaina was there. She was also at risk, and Robin couldn’t leave her. Not after she’d learned the truth.
She got three desks away, then peered between the furniture to where she’d last seen the other woman. There was a huddled shadow behind one desk.
“Saaina!” Robin called out.
The form behind the desk across the room shifted and Saaina peered at them.
She was okay.
Relief rushed through Robin.
Jessica grabbed Robin’s arm. “He’s got the laptop.”
“What?” She jerked her head up in time to see the man Uncle Daar called Peter sprint out the back door.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Jessica bolted forward, keeping low and chasing after the man.
Robin didn’t think. She reacted. It wasn’t until she was crossing the open space of the room that she realized how dangerous this was. One stray shot and she could die.
Fear gave her feet flight, and she raced after Jessica.
This was madness. All of it.
Friday. Office Building, New York City, NY.
Harper gripped the door. Tucker floored it. They’d left behind the FBI back-up along with support. In truth, Harper preferred it this way. The five of them worked best as a team without outside help or interference.
Robin was alive. He could believe nothing else. He shoved the little voices aside that cautioned him against the worst because he couldn’t live in a world where Robin didn’t exist.