There was something not quite right with Harper. She’d thought that the conversation they had before the trip, about how much he cared about her, would fix things. But it hadn’t. Was she making it up or was it really there, under the surface?
Her stomach growled something fierce, and she winced.
The house wouldn’t be this quiet with anyone here and she’d know if Harper was back, so it was safe to assume the coast was clear.
She leaned out her door into the hall.
Still nothing.
Robin closed the door on the off chance that Button or Bow were around then padded down the hall before peering around the corner.
The tantalizing smell of what couldn’t be bacon teased her nose.
She straightened and continued into the main room of the villa.
It was a welcomed surprise to find herself alone. With how jumbled her thoughts were, she needed some time and space to sort them out. But she was also curious where everyone was.
But first, food.
Robin found a covered plate sitting on the counter with a little note attached to the top with her name written on it. She pulled the top off and was met with the fragrant aroma of a full breakfast. A condensation soaked card informed her there was bacon, it was just turkey bacon.
When she moved out, she was going to spend one whole meal gorging herself on pork bacon. It was absurd to her how Dad and Saaina picked and choose what things to follow and bacon was a sticking point for them. But, whatever made them happy. It was their lives, she was simply passing through.
Robin took her meal out onto the patio by the pool where the fresh breeze could help clear her head. She lost no time tucking into the food. She inhaled half the plate before she slowed down.
Really, where was everyone? Did she dare reach out? Ask where they were?
She put her fork down and stared out at the ocean.
Jessica had given her the device to copy Uncle Daar’s phone. Robin should be focused on that task, but fear was getting the best of her.
She pulled out her phone and saw some missed texts.
The first was from Dad, letting her know that he, Uncle Daar, and Saaina had gone to the main pool area for massages and lounging. She had some from Jessica merely checking in. But nothing from Harper.
Was it possible he wanted something from her? Connections to her family? Money?
All of that sounded so strange and wrong. Harper wasn’t like that. His complaint was her family, so why would he try to get closer to them?
She shook her head again, but nothing made sense.
One thing was clear though, Uncle Daar wasn’t going to be around for a while. She’d never gotten up the courage to poke around his room at home, but here was another story.
Her mind made up, Robin covered the tray and carried it back to the kitchen for pick-up later with the other dishes. She ducked back into her room and dressed in shorts and a tank-top. For good measure, she shoved Jessica’s device into her back pocket then headed across the house.
Dad and Saaina had taken the master suite. There were a few bedrooms they weren’t using, but those made for a good place to store bags and the travel kennels for Button and Bow. Uncle Daar had taken a room at the side of the house opposite from her own.
Robin pushed the door open and stared inside.
Uncle Daar was neat. The room seemed as though it hadn’t been touched, but then she noticed small differences. A briefcase, some slippers, the end of a charging cable.
She stepped into the room, but didn’t turn the lights on. He hadn’t lowered the blackout curtains, so she didn’t need the overheads.
Where to start?
The dresser was closest, so she pulled one drawer open then the next. Uncle Daar had unpacked some of his clothes. She carefully lifted a few to feel around under them, but didn’t find anything. She was considering abandoning the dresser inspection when she pulled open the bottom drawer. Unlike the other stacks of clothes, the one on the right wasn’t smooth and perfect. She reached down and lifted articles of clothing until a heavy weight prevented her from going forward. Curious, she lifted what she could off the stack only to freeze.
Uncle Daar had a gun.