“Still an idiot, unfortunately.”

They traded more small talk before Daar was called away, likely by his brother.

Hugo stared out of a window that looked out over a quiet side street.

Daar had been faithful. Possibly one of the only men who’d never wavered. Why? What about the council inspired that much faith in him?

Hugo scrolled his contacts until he found the correct coded handle then hit dial.

How long had it been? Seven years?

“Yes, sir?” a gruff male voice answered in English.

“Peter. Are you doing well?”

There was a moment of silence. “Yes. Well enough, sir. Do you have something for me?”

Hugo smiled. Back when Cassim’s first wife was pointing questions at Daar, Hugo had connected Peter and Daar. It was a calculated move. Insurance, so to speak.

“I just wanted to confirm that you’re getting your regular payments.” Hugo began to pace the room, plans coalescing in his mind.

“Yes. You’ve been more than generous, sir. Is there something I can do for you?”

“I’d like you to report back to be about Daar. Keep me updated on what he’s doing, his plans and so forth. Think you can do that?”

“Of course. Isn’t that why you connected us in the first place?”

Smart man. He at least knew who was in power.

This would go a long ways to putting Hugo’s mind at ease.

Chapter Nine

Wednesday. Harper’s Safe House, New Orleans, LA.

Harper stepped inside the apartment. “Honey, I’m home.”

“Real funny,” Samuel muttered softly.

Harper closed the door, twisted the lock, and peered at Samuel. He only spoke that quietly when he was actively listening to something.

Was it Robin?

How much had Samuel paid attention to Harper’s date?

He crossed the room and slung his coat over the back of an empty chair.

Samuel never once glanced up.

Everything had changed in a week. Maintaining appearances with Robin got more difficult as time went on. He was fairly certain she’d wanted him to invite her over tonight. The problem was Harper didn’t trust that Samuel hadn’t bugged his bedroom.

It was a moral quandary, for sure. Of course, Harper knew his role here was to get close to Robin, and he’d done that the most obvious way. But in doing so, he was making her a victim. She had no idea their private moments weren’t private. He was essentially guilty of doing his job. And part of that job was recording her.

He wished they could have rethought this, maybe gotten Kelsey to come in and befriend Robin instead. Only, a woman would be just as ignored as Robin was now.


His conscience was really eating away at him over this one.