The line picked up after only one ring.

“Morning,” Samuel said, his tone frosty.

“What do you want me to say?” Harper sighed.

“What the hell, Harper?”

“You told me to get close to her.”

“You’re going too fast.”

“I don’t agree.”

“Are you heading back to your place?” Samuel asked.


“I’ll meet you there. And Harper?”


“Call Logan. Or Jamie. Or someone, because Zora is pressuring me about your cover story.”

“I thought she was handling it?”

“That’s when she thought this would be a quick job.”

“Great.” Harper groaned and ended the call.

He knew what Samuel’s complaints were going to be, but Harper wasn’t going to budge. There would be no surveillance equipment in the bedroom. That was a line he wasn’t going to cross. And yes, he had shut the bedroom door last night on purpose.

They were using Robin. Harper couldn’t forget that, but he didn’t have to be a complete ass about it. Law enforcement would be reviewing and listening to every second of audio he helped them obtain. It was going to be a new kind of hell once Robin knew what he’d done. The least he could do for her was to keep the intimate moments private. It wasn’t like he was grilling her family when they were otherwise occupied with each other.


He scrubbed a hand over his face.

Now that he thought about it in that light, he felt like trash. Utter and complete garbage. Too bad he didn’t have the luxury of harboring that feeling. In order to stop Daar and those he worked with, Harper was going to have to do things he hated and he couldn’t allow his conscience to get in the way.

How had Jamie done it?

To be fair, he’d mostly failed that assignment. Still, perhaps that’s where Harper should start. Jamie would be easier to convince than Logan that Harper was just taking some personal time.

He activated the speed dial number and did his best to relax into the seat. It was harder than expected what with the knot of guilt in his stomach.

She couldn’t know. If Harper told Robin, if her uncle was who they thought he was, she could die.

Jamie’s voice penetrated the fog, surprising Harper out of his thoughts. “You aren’t dead?”


“Hey, man,” Harper said.

“Hey yourself. What the hell are you up to?”

“Ah, you know how it goes? Mom guilted me into coming home for a bit.”

“A bit?”