Hunter couldn’t help but laugh. “True, sovery true, but trust me, baby, I’m not one of them. You’re not mysister. You will never be my sister, butthat does make you a woman I want toenjoy.”

Silence fell between them.

He’d made his intentions clear.

When he rode intotown, he had no intention of seeking outthis woman, nor did he intend to talk to her, or proposition her.This had all become part of his split-second decision now. He knewit was a big mistake.

Big Dick would fucking kill him, but thefact was, he didn’t haveto know. This was between him and Harlow. Their little secret. Hehad a feeling she wouldn’t want her brother interfering in theirproblems. Harlow was a strong, independent woman, she could makeher own choices.

“What are you doing?” Harlow asked.

“Simple. I’m making a choice right now. Ifyou want to see where this leads, then call me. You have mynumber.” He’d already coded it into her cell phone during theChristmas period. He should probably warn her about leavingherpersonal itemsunattended. It was so easy for him to look at her things, to snoopinto her life.

“Just as easy as that?”

He finished off his burger andlooked at her. “It canbe easy or hard, but that decision will be up to you. Notme.”

Chapter Two

“I want so fucking badto see just howsweet that mouth of yours is. To know if your cunt is as tight as Ifigure it would be, and your ass, I want to know if you want to bedirty with me as I take your ass.”

Harlow growled and slammed her hand downon the mattress. Her apartment was freezing and that was becauseshehadn’t been able toafford her heating bill this month.

She wore a pair of her thickestpajamas, a sweater overthe top of that, two pairs of socks, a robe, and three blankets,and she still felt cold. Snow had already started to fall on thewalk home.

Big Dick had called to tell her she neededto make her own way home. She’d already sold her car, because she’dbeen unable to keep it running. It was an unnecessary expense.

She wasn’t even out in the big wide world,and it was already kicking her ass. Asmall-town world was hard at times.

What kind of game was Hunter playing? Shedidn’t know if she couldtrust him. The MC had a code. Raven had told her that club wouldalways come first, especially to Hunter. Her brother was part ofthe club, while she was just a sibling. She didn’t have any realvalue to the club. Not unless Smokey needed help in fixing thingswith Ava. Her brother and her job were the only connection to theHell’s.

Getting involved with Hunter was a bigmistake.They both knewit. Why had he made that challenge, though?

Hunter had been avoiding her for monthsbefore Christmas. Yes,he’d come to the bakery, and they would share a moment, or at leastshe assumed it was a moment, but it could have all been in herhead.

She didn’t understand men, even though shegrew up around them. Big Dick was the eldest, so being around himwas rare because by the time he was eighteen years old, he’dalreadychosen his pathwith the club.

Callum and Michael had also pretty muchleft home by the time she was old enough to pay attention. Theyonly came home to ask for money or help from theirparents. Each one ofthem would rustle her head as if she was some kind of pet. Only BigDick would pay any attention to her.

Bernard was always in his books, wanting tostudy, always dreaming of living in the city, getting away from thesmall town.

Erick was just a prick, a nasty piece ofwork, but appeared to betheir mother’s favorite.

Jude was the artist.

To her mother, Harlow was thefuck-up, the waste ofspace.

She’d not been born blonde with blue eyes,and a natural beauty. Her mother had wanted a doll to play with. Harlow had been a tomboy.She preferred jeans to dresses, shorts to skirts, climbing tositting around the table sipping tea. In a nutshell, she’d been hermother’s worst nightmare.

Seven kids, and all her mother wanted wasa pretty little girl, and instead, she got Harlow. A socialoutcast.No one evershowed up for Harlow’s parties, and as time went by, even shedidn’t attend her own parties. There was no point.

She had become vegan to piss her motheroff, and had every intention of changing back, but then she stopped missing meat. Shefelt much better, and she liked being the way she was.

Life after that had gotten hard. Even thoughher mother had never openly been negative about her appearance andher weight, the sly comments had gotten worse.

“I thought vegans weresupposed to beslim.”That was one shegot all the time.

“I’m not going to think about home.” Pickingup her cell phone, she stared at the screen and sure enough, therewas Hunter’s number.