She should be used to women and how they react but withHunter, it was different. She didn’t want to be jealous and didn’tknow if that was how she felt, or maybe she feltenvious.

Some women knew what they were doing, andshe didn’t have a clue. There had always been something aboutHunter that made her feel so many different things.

She needed to remember Raven’s warning to her, that toHunter, it’s club. She is Big Dick’s little sister, and that wouldcause a whole host of problems, ones she wasn’t interested indealing with.


Hunter had been with a lot of women in histime.No one was offlimits to him. He was used to women falling all over themselves toget to him and he accepted that. In fact, there were times herelished it. Before Ava came along, he and Smokey would share awoman.

There was no way Smokey would share Avaand as he looked at Harlow, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’dshare her, if he wantedany of his club brothers to enjoy a piece of that pie.

Running a hand down his face,he spotted the woman’s numberon the napkin she’d very obviously thrust beneath his plate. Anyother time, she’d have been an easy fuck. Someone he could use fora quick release and then not think about ever again. For the firsttime in his life, he wasn’t interested.

He grabbed the napkin and pressed it againsther chest. “Not interested.” He didn’t even look at her for aresponse. What was the point? He didn’t care if she was crying orsobbing.

“Wow,” Harlow said. “Why would you dothat?”

“I don’t want to sink my dickinside her.”

“Anyone ever tell you that you’re nasty?”Harlow asked.

“Anyone ever tell you that you don’t knowwhen to shut the fuck up?”he countered.

Harlow smiled at him, then winked.“All the time.”

“And do you pay attention to therequest?”

She snorted. “You tell me.”

He already knew the answer.

Hunter knewhe shouldn’t be pursuing Harlow. He shouldn’t havecome here to talk to her. She was currently a dangerous woman to bearound because of one little factor—he couldn’t get her out of his fucking mind. He’d neverexperienced this before.

Women were easy to use and forget. Hedidn’t have to think about them, nor feel about them. They were awaste of space other than to enjoy a good fuck. So far, he’dwatched two of his club brothers fall—Ugly Beast and Smokey. He saw the way they were with theirwomen, and Hunter knew he wasn’t like them. Harlow was just an itchhe needed to scratch. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only problem was … Big Dick.

She wasn’t some random woman for him toenjoy. She was oneofthe club’s little sisters. In a way, she was a rare commodity intheir world and a protected species. He’d already been warned bySmokey over Christmas not to touch her. He hadn’t wanted to. Butthen he found himself drawn to her, which terrified him.

Even now, he’d watched her walk out of thebakery and head over to the diner. Shehadn’t noticed him watching, but he’d been drawnto her in ways he knew he shouldn’t. There was no reason for him tobe in town. He wasn’t running any errands. There was nothing forhim to do. Yet, he’d ridden into town with absolutely no intentionat all.

He didn’t understand why hehadn’t turned back. There wasnothing special about her. It wasn’t like he thought of her long,gorgeous brown locks spread out across his pillow, or even imaginedwrapping the length around his fist. No, he never thought of thatshit.

Or the fact he’d admired her inked arms.From what he recalledfrom Big Dick, her mother had a certain expectation andwhen it came to Harlow, she always pushed too far, and the ink wasthe first sign of rebellion.

At sixteen, Harlow got her first tattoo, andit had nearly killed her because of infection. Big Dick had takencare of the unhygienic tattoo artist, and since then, she hadalways gone to her brother.

Hunter never noticed heruntil he walked into thatfucking bakery after she’d been hired by Ava. Then, it was like aslap to the face for him. That was a couple of years ago now, andhe’d done absolutely nothing. Until a few weeks ago when he’d beenunable to resist and he’d pulled her close to him and felt thatsoft, supple body against him. He knew she hadn’t been kissed toooften, if at all.

One kiss should have been enough,buthe wanted more. Somuch fucking more. And that was why he’d dragged himself to thestupid little town and watched her from afar. No woman caught hisattention and kept it for this long. He’d never been verging oncreeper for a woman.

It would seemHarlow was one of a kind.

“Nah, I doubt you ever shut up foranyone.”

This did make her smile. “And I guess you’re not going to stopbeing nasty for anyone.” She shrugged. “Why don’t you eat yourlunch and we both pretend this isn’t happening?”

Hewanted to argue with her, but instead he took a lead out ofher book, picked up his burger, and took a large bite. He watchedher reaction but there was nothing. Big Dick had told him shewasn’t a vegan activist. She loved animals and followed the diet,but she wouldn’t rant and rave at people for eatingmeat.