“You have enemies?” Hailey asked.

“I try not to, but that’s life.” Harlow finished packaging theorder and sealed it.

“I feel you have a lot of stories to tell,”Hailey said.

She chanced a look outside, and sureenough, she spotted Hunter. Even from the smalldistance, she could tellthat some of his face was bruised. That had to be because of herbrother finding out.

Ava had told her there was video footage ofher and Hunter. Big Dick had seen it, and Smokey. Harlow didn’tknow who else, but that had been her and Hunter’s private time.Someone had invaded that. She clenched her hands into fists.Knowing someone was out there filming her and Hunter, she wanted tohurt them.

“I’m not exactly high on their favoritepeople list. I … had an affair with one of the men whoI shouldn’t have. It’s why I’mnot talking to my brother and why I quit my job,” Harlowsaid.

“Oh,” Hailey said. “An affair? WithSmokey?”

Harlow jerked her head. “Wait? What? Whydo people keep assuming I’m going to have an affair withhim?” This had happenedat Christmastime as well. All she had been doing was helping Smokeyplan the perfect Christmas for Ava. “No, I slept with the vicepresident of the club, Hunter.”

“Oh,” Hailey said.

“Do you know about club politics?” Harlowasked.

“I don’t have aclue what you’re talking about, but it soundsinteresting.”

Harlow laughed.

There was silence as Harlow looked at theclub. Several of the men had gone intothe diner. Hunter stood out of it. She was sure hewas looking at her, and Harlow stepped back. There was no way shewas going to allow herself the few seconds of potentialhope.

“You and I bothknew thiswas going to be a little fun, and now, to be honest, I’m bored. Ican’t deal with your inexperience. I tried to train you, but you’rejust not what I need.”

To some people, this was just a bunch ofwords, but to Harlow they meant a great deal. They hurt. She had known Hunter could becruel, but she hadn’t been prepared for him to end it so suddenly.It had come out of the blue.

Turning back to the packages, she wishedthere was something for her to do. She started to count inside herhead.One.Two. Three. Four.

Lifting her head, Hailey took her hands.“We’re going to party tonight.”

Harlow stopped counting and Hailey grippedher hands tightly. The smile dropped a little on Hailey’s face.


“Party. You and me, tonight. We’re going todance.”

“Ah, yes, we’re going to dance.”

Hailey chuckled. “I’m sorry. I’m soexcited. I’ve been in Fort Clover for over a year, and I have neverhad any girls’time.”

“You haven’t?”

“I don’t make friends thateasily, and I don’tknow, Harlow, I really like you.”

Before Harlow could stop her, she had herarms wrapped around her. She wasn’t used to this. Larissa was themost expressive and loving of all the women she knew. Raven was cold. She, Ava, andAbriana were … the normal range of feelings.

“I like you too,” Harlow said, and shewasn’t just saying thatbecause she was her boss. She meant it.

Haileysmiled, and she couldn’t help but smile rightback.


“I don’t like this,” Ava said. “Harlow isnot answering my calls. She never does that.”

She looked toward Raven who shrugged. Nocalls from Harlow either. Abriana did the same, as did Larissa.Harlow had shut them out.