The Twisted Bastards had always beencowardly fucks.Hunterhadn’t liked Creed, and after they had taken him out along withseveral of the Twisted fuckers, they had hoped it was over. Theyshould have burned them to the ground. Hunted for them completely,but instead they had fucked up and now were paying the price. Hecouldn’t think about the damage they might do to Harlow or more oftheir businesses.
Harlow was getting out of the hospitaltoday. Big Dick had wanted to be the one to get her, but Larissaand Jonah had agreed togo. He knew Ava was upset by that, but maybe it was all forthe best.
Arriving at The Shack, he climbed off hisbike and foundseveralmen and women bleeding. There was an ambulance crew, and to top itoff, the sheriff was also there.
Shit was hitting the fan and the TwistedBastards MC had planned this. Hunter didn’t like being on thereceiving end, playing catch-up. While they were in this position,they were vulnerable, and he didn’t like it. They were not ones torun scared.
He hated when men attacked from behind.
Harlow arrived at the bakery and stepped inside. Even though herbody ached, going back to her apartment was not an option. Larissaand Jonah had picked her up from the hospital. Her mother had beenpissed, but she’d also been waiting for her at herapartment.
The landlord had let her in, and hermother had done her mothering things. Harlow couldn’t stand it. Shewas used to her mother not being happy with her, orcritiquing something she waswearing, or just generally being an asshole. This time, her motherhad cleaned her apartment, not that there was much to clean. Fullystocked her fridge. Harlow was happy with that, even though she waspretty sure she saw cuts of meat. She’d give them to Larissa orsomeone else.
She had also offered to help give her abath, andhelp in otherways, and in truth, Harlow didn’t want it. She loved her mother,but right now she didn’t want or need her help. All she wanted wasto be left alone.
There were no customersat the bakery. Ava was at the frontdesk.
“Harlow, what are you doing?” Avaasked.
“I’mhere to work.”
“Shouldn’t you be resting?”
Harlow wrinkled her nose. “Nah, that’s notfor me. I need to get some work done, and I want to help. Also,there’s something I needto tell you.”
Avafolded her arms with a frown. “What?”
“I, ugh, I really do appreciate this joband you know I love it. I love it so much and it’s been the best job in theworld.”
“Thank you.”
“But I think it’s time for me to move on. I think I need to findsomething else to do.”
“Harlow, what is going on?”
She needed tohave a clean break. To find something or somewherethe club didn’t go. In a small town, that was next to impossible.The diner was out of the question as was the florist. No way inhell was she going to turn into a porn star. What she needed was tonot have a reason or fear seeing him. In town, on the street, thatwas acceptable. Hunter had often arrived at the bakery,unexpected.
Harlow didn’t want tobecome one of those women desperate forHunter to even look at her. She wanted a clean break. Far, far, farfrom him. Harlow didn’t know what job she would take, but it wouldbe one that he had no reason to visit.
“Nothing is going on. I just … I need abreak. I love working here, I do, and I think you’re amazing, but Ialso know Larissa has an amazing gift. I’m a vegan and even thoughthe experiments I do sell well, they’re not as good as yours.”
She had amazing bestsellers and Ava knewthis, but it was timefor her to move on.
“Please consider this my notice,” Harlowsaid.
“I … I don’t know what to say.”
“I hope you’re not angry but I told Larissaof my plans, and she is hoping toget a call from you.”
Ava nodded.
Harlow saw how sad the other woman was,and she hated doing this to her. She had wanted to pretend to bestrong but seeing Hunter in the hospital had only confirmed thatshe needed to get away. Tomake a clean break from the mess and all herproblems.
She went to Ava and hugged her. “I do loveyou.”
“Oh, Harlow, I love you too, but if youneed to move on, I getit. Trust me. Baking is a pain on the hips.”