“What do you want?” Hunter asked.
“I’m not here to blackmail you, Hunter. Thatis not the shit I do and you know it. Harlow’s a good woman. Asweet woman. She’s a fucking vegan with a bad attitude and a heartof gold, and she is in love with you.”
“Shut your fucking mouth.”
“You can’t even stand it, can you? To thinkthat she’s in love withyou.” Raven took a step closer to him. “Are you willing to fightfor her? Big Dick won’t like it because he knows what you’recapable of. Do you want to fight for her? Are you even willing todo that?”
“Fuck off,” Hunter said.
“You’re playing a dangerous game. One ofyou, or more of you, are going to get hurt. You hurt Harlow, BigDick will hurt you, but Smokey is going to have to make a choice.The club, the woman, or the brotherhood. Think about that.”
Hunter pulled out of the memory. Hecouldn’t put the club in that kind of position and he didn’t wantshit to be bad between him and Big Dick. With the threat of theTwisted Bastards MC looming, now was not the time to be fightingwith each other. Theyhad to stick together, and the club needed to be united.
Ending it was the easiest thing to do.
Harlow was just a woman. She wasn’t club.If Big Dick hadn’t been her brother, it wouldn’t have mattered.Therewould be otherwomen. Other pussy. She wasn’t the only one for him.
Taking another long slug of his whiskey,he intended to drown his sorrows, tofeel numb. The club didn’t fucking need himtonight.
The whiskey wasn’t doing the trick, evenafter he had taken a quarter of the bottle. He liftedthe bottle to his lips and thenlooked toward the door, partly expecting Harlow to come crashingthrough and starting a fight.
It wasn’tHarlow. It was a man, older than Harlow, but notby much.
The guy looked a lot like Big Dick. It mustbe one of his brothers, but he couldn’t remember which one. BigDick had a lot of brothers and only one little sister.
“Jude,” Big Dick said, getting to his feetand hugging his brother. “Long time, no see. Everyone, this is mylittle brother, Jude.Are you still thinking about joining the gang, littlebrother?”
“George, stop. You have to come.”
“What do you think,Smokey? We got a place for my littlebrother in the gang? I know he’d be a good prospect. I can vouchfor him.”
“It’s Harlow!” Jude shoved his brother away andyelled.
The club went silent and Hunter tensedup.
“What?” Big Dick said.
“Harlow’s in the hospital.Jonah, the preacher, he washeading back into town or something, and saw her car off the road.Harlow’s in the hospital. Mom and Dad asked me to come and get you.It’s … it’s bad.”
“What do you mean her car was off theroad?”
Jude turned toward Raven who had asked thequestion.
“She skidded on the ice?” Big Dickasked.
“No,” Jude said. “Her car is too banged up.Mom and Dad went to the hospital, I went and helped retrieve hercar. Someone was trying to run her off the road, George, and seeingas she works for the club, I figured you ought to know.”
“She’s at the hospital?” Big Dick asked.
“Yeah, but…”
Big Dick was already heading out thedoor.
Avaand Smokey were also heading that way, as were Raven andCarlos. Hunter couldn’t stay behind. He had to know she was okayand he made his way out of the clubhouse.
He had to make sure she was alive.