“Going home.”

“No, you’re not.”

“No, you don’t get to say that kind of shitto me and then tell me what to do.”She lifted up and glared at him. “There was noreason for you to be an asshole to me. I get it, we’re nothing butthe basic. I never asked for anything more. I don’t know why youhave to keep saying the same stuff. I’ve already got it, Hunter. Ithas already computed in my little brain that you and I are nothingmore than this. I don’t expect anything from you. I don’t wantanything from you. I … get … it.”

Hunter grabbed her hips and then pulled herin close. “Good, then you are already overdressed.”


“You’re telling me no.”

“Yeah, I’m telling you no. I’m angry atyou. I’ve not given you any reason to believe that I’llbe a pain in your ass. I’vegiven you the space you’ve needed. What more do you want fromme?”

“I want to fuck you, Harlow,” he said.

“Not happening. I’m going home.” She pulledout of his arms and made her way toward the door.

“Stay,” he said. “It’s way too fucking coldout. Your apartment isn’t even warm because youhaven’t paid your bill. Stay.”

Harlow’s hand was on the door handle aboutto open it.

He didn’t want her to leave. He likedsleeping beside her. Ever since Harlow had been sharing his bed inthis place, he had finally been able to sleep peacefully,andhe couldn’t recall atime he’d ever been able to do that.

She sighed and dropped her hand. “Fine, butwe’re not doing anything. I don’t want to … have sex with you rightnow. I’m too angry.”


The truth was, he wasn’t in the right moodfor sex either, which was fucked up, but he knew he’d be able toconvince her with his cock.She hadn’t given him any other signs of wanting him either,other than for sex.

“Let’s watch a movie.”

He knew he should give her a reason toleave, force her out of his life, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Smokey hadn’tcomplained about him missing at the club. His prez knew about thisplace, and he wasn’t too far if he was needed to bethere.

And right now, he was being entirely selfishwhen it came to Harlow. He didn’t want to share her, and taking herto this place was the only safe bet he had.

The moment Big Dick found out, he was donefor, which was why he was making sure her brother didn’tknow.


Harlow didn’t consider herself a bigdrinker. She had spenther birthday working, but now Raven had insisted she take a shot.There was nothing wrong with taking a shot or enjoying theattention of the girls that surrounded her. Most of the free clubpussy were off around Ryan’s old bar.

She wasn’t sure of the history of Ryan’sPlace as the guy who originally owned it ended up in jail. She didbelieve he was a member of the Hell’s Bastards MC, and then his sontook over, but then his son left, orended up missing. Harlow wasn’t exactly sure ofthe accuracy of that. Either way, she figured it was owned by theMC club now anyway, seeing as it did close for a short while andthen miraculously reopened not too long ago.

“You only turn twenty-one once. Enjoy it,”Raven said.

She slapped the top of the bar, and in thenext second, the barman had laid out multiple shot glasses andfilled them all with,from what Raven had told her, vegan-approved tequila, which sheappreciated. Lifting her glass, she knocked back the shot, wincingat the taste.

“I am not a drinker,” Harlow said.

Raven laughed. “When you surroundyourselfwith men, it’seasy to look like you do and play the part, but since Carlos hascome into my life, I’m not much of a drinker either.”

Since Raven had given birth to her twingirls, Winter and Summer, Harlow had seen a difference in the otherwoman. There was a time she had been a dark soul. Cold,calculating, quiet, and deadly. She wasstill all those things, but there was a lightnessto her. Her daughters helped her smile. So did Carlos, when he’dnot done something to piss her off, which was very rare. She knewCarlos and Smokey had done something bad. It was why he and Hunterhad come to her to find Raven.

Harlow already knew where she’d been hiding.Like her brother, she had a horrible knack for finding people.Sometimes, people who were not ready to be found.

“To being twenty-one, carefree, and withouta man.” Raven placed her arm across her shoulders and spun heraround. “Think about it, you can have any man in this room, if youso desired.”

Harlow chuckled. There was only one man she wanted, and he hadasked her to behave tonight. Dancing with strange men wasn’texactly high up on her repertoire. She had no interest inpretending to be curious about a guy, and she certainly wasn’tgoing to lead him on.