Taking a deep breath, Harlow turned to herbrother. “Come on then, hotshot, you tell me the best place tofindtheone.” She held herfingers up and made air quotes.
“Church,” Big Dick said. “What do you say,Hunter?”
Harlow tried not to tense but she felt himso close. The warmth of him was pressed against her back and shetried to ignore him, but it was so hard to do. Nibbling her lip,she tried to keep her focus on Big Dick.
“About what?” Hunter asked, in thatguttural tone of his. Less than twenty-four hours ago, his face had been between herthighs, licking her pussy, telling her to come all over his face,and now he stood at her back.
“Women finding their man. It shouldn’thappen in a bar, should it? My sister thinks she is going to meetthe man of her dreams on her birthday.”
Harlow opened her mouth about to yell athim, but Larissa chuckled. “Silly, that is so me. I wondered if shewould meet the man of her dreams.”
“There is no such thing,” Hunter said.
“Such thing?” Larissa asked.
“Mr. Right. Mrs. Right.It’s all bullshit thatcompanies employ to try and manipulate poor saps like yourself.There is attraction that you can choose to act on, and learning tohave some fun. That’s all you need. You don’t need any other shit.Cold, hard fucking. Keeping each other warm on a coldnight.”
Harlow hated what he was saying.But she knew it was also thetruth. Hunter believed in his kind of truth and she hated it. Itwas like a bucket of cold water thrown over her head, but there wasno denying the truth.
There was no future with her and Hunter.Just sex. Just fucking. Nothing else. When he got bored, she knewhe was going to end it.It was only a matter of time.
She had no choice but to stop thinking withher heart. All that needed answers was her body and mind. Her heartdidn’t play a role right now.
“What about when you’re sick?” Larissaasked.
“What?” Big Dick and Hunter asked.
“Well, it’s all right saying that it’s just a basicfundamental act, and that is exactly what sex is. It’s one of themain pleasure zones, basic and animalistic, but also, what aboutprocreation and everything in between, or hanging out with yourbuddies and the club?”
Harlow smiled at Larissa.
“There is no such thing as love,” Huntersaid.
“I can imagine to a lot of people theydon’t believe in love, but from what I see, there comes a pointwhere love is necessary.You may not want it, but the human mind needs more thanskin on skin contact, or sex. There needs to be a meeting of theminds, an understanding of principles, of discipline, and I guessan acceptance with each other. When you’re much older and sex isnot an option, who will you share your life with? What aboutmemories being made? When you look back, will you look at all thosesexual experiences and be happy with the cold reality ofmeaningless encounters, or will you grasp at those memories thatdid more than bring a few seconds of pleasure?”
Silence fell on their group.
Harlow thought about it, and sex was funand she did enjoy it, but what she was going to take from the timewith Hunter was the way he held her. A few nights she had woken upin the middle of the night to find his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Theymeant more to her than anything else.
Larissa’s cell phone rang, and her smilegrew wider. “That’s my ride.” She hugged Harlow. “I’ve got to go. Ilook forward to the party.”
Chapter Eight
“Look at yourself,” Hunter said.
Harlow let out a whimper. It was such asoft sound, but it was one that went straight to his balls.He loved the noises she madeand if he could, he’d record them for himself to hear. She was sofucking sexy and he just couldn’t get enough of her. He had lostcount of all the ways he’d enjoyed her so far.
Hunter couldn’t remember a time ever beingexcited or even anticipating spending time with a woman, but Harlowwas blowing his mind every single time they were together.
His name echoed around the room as she saidit.
Staring in the mirror, he watched herlookat them together.He’d moved a chair in front of the mirror, and then spun her aroundso her ass nestled against his pelvis. Hunter had held onto hiscock, and made Harlow line her pussy up, and then sink down ontohis length. He loved watching his cock enter her. She looked sofucking beautiful stuffed with his cock.
The only cock she has ever known.
The only cock she was going to need.
He held onto herhips, loving the feel of them in his grip. Sobeautiful and sweet, all his, and sexy as fuck. Even the ink shehad down her arms suited her.