“He’s at The Shack,” Hunter said. “It wasBig Dick’s turn, and he’sdealing with Twisted, so Ugly subbed for him.”
“Speaking of Big Dick, I know this isn’texactly club business, but while at the bakery earlier this week, Harlow started to askme a whole bunch of questions.”
“I don’t need to deal with family shit,”Smokey said.
“I know, but I got curious and I knowthat’s the fucking kissof death, but it happened.”
Hunter tensed up. What kind of questions wasHarlow asking?
“You know the old beat-up apartment building she’s been livingin?” Raven asked.
Smokey shook his head. “How the fuck should I know?”
Raven chuckled. “Okay, the deets. Thelandlord is charging her a fortune for apiece of shit apartment. She has no heat, no food,and is running into debt.”
“She told you this?” Hunter asked.
“No, she asked a bunch of unusual questionsabout rent and what it would cost, and the average rental for aplace that soundedlikeshit. She made out it was some kind of business thing she wasthinking of. I know Harlow. She doesn’t want to go to Big Dickabout this.”
“I’ll deal with it,” Hunter said.
Raven turned to him and frowned. “You’lldeal with it.”
“Yeah, Smokey has too much shit onhis plate right now, andyou’ve got to deal with protection detail and if Carlos is coming,you’re going to be busy. I’ll take care of the landlord. Tell mewhat he’s done wrong, and I’ll fix it.”
Hunter was pissed off that Harlow hadn’tcome to him. She hadn’t said a fucking word.
Smokey shooed them out of his office, andRaven pulled out her cell phone, handing it to him, and showing himall the details. Even Harlow’s bank statements.
She was actually in debt. There was noelectricity going to her apartment, no gas, no heat. There wasn’t even a sign of grocerypayments. Hunter thought about the diner, when she had a plate offries and was looking through her purse, frowning. He had jumped inand paid the bill. He should have fucking known something wasup.
“I’ll handle it,” Hunter said, about tomake his way out, but Raven suddenly grabbedhis arm, stopping him.
“Tell me why you’re suddenly interested inhandling this mundane kind of shit?” Raven asked.
“Because she’s Big Dick’s sister and I’ve got fuck all to dountil I find where the Twisted Bastards MC are.”
“Is that all?”
“Why don’t you worry about keeping yourhusband in line and stop worrying about what I’mdoing?”
“You know she has a thing for you, right?”Raven asked.
“Be careful,” Raven said.
Hunter pulled out of her hold and made hisway outside the club. He climbed back in his car because he wasn’tinterested in riding his bike in the fucking cold and freezing hisballs off. There was only so much hewould do.
Climbing behind the wheel, he turned over the ignition andthen headed out, going toward Harlow’s apartment building. They allknew it because Big Dick had told them where his sister was living.From what he could fathom, Harlow had told Big Dick to stay out ofher business, so this is what he was doing.
Hunter pulled into the available parkingto the apartment, and there was no denying it was a shithole.Climbing out of his car, he made his way toward the tower block.Harlow’s name was there on the intercom, clearto see. The doors should be locked as asecurity measure, but when he tried it, the door opened right away.Harlow didn’t even have that limited protection, which pissed himoff.
He knew exactly where to go, seeing as itwas labeled where the landlord was.