“I saw all the bikes entering town. Afamily meet-up?” Harlowasked.

“You could say that.” He took them out oftown and headed toward his private house. He’d bought the place as a private investment.The club knew about his home, but he rarely went there long term.Every now and again, he’d let a couple of the club pussy clean theplace, but he’d stand and watch as they worked for him. He’d alwaysliked to keep his private life exactly that.

The sluts at the club were only interestedin winning one of the brothers, of making their place as an“old lady.” Before Smokey gotrid of the older pussy that had served the club before the shitwent bad with Ava, they had known there was no chance of everwinning him.

Hunter was loyal to the club. Pussy cameand went. He didn’t see a reason to fall for one, especially whenthere was so much on offer.He’d always liked variety, so no woman should get attachedto him, and if they even tried, he did what he could to distancehimself.

When the time came with Harlow, he was goingto have to hurt her. He didn’t want it to end that way, so heplanned to make it clear for her.

His place was in one of the nicest partsof town. The street had started with only half a dozen houses, butplanning permission had been acceptedto extend with more houses. It was considered oneof the draws of Fort Clover, but as far as Hunter was concerned, itwas just a money-making scheme. The contractors and currentdevelopers didn’t give a shit about the town. They wanted a way tomake money fast and this was their only solution. Hunter had boughthis place cheap when it was nothing more than a patch of land, andthen made them build it exactly how he wanted it.

Pulling up to his main gate, he wound hiswindow down and reached out to type in the code.

He couldn’t help but smile when herecalled the fear in thedevelopers’ eyes when they clearly wanted to deny him. Thelast thing they wanted was for a rough and evil biker to suddenlybring the street cred down. They couldn’t argue with money, and healso happened to have a good lawyer. With the club at his back,they couldn’t stop him.

“This is your place?”

He was surprised how little Harlow hadspoken to him on the way over.


“You can afford a place like this?” Harlowasked.

“It’s an investment.”

“It’s a damn good one.” She gave a whistle.“Wow. IfMom and Dad sawsomething like this for my brother, I think they would forgive himanything.”

“Your parents are into material shit?”

Harlow shrugged and made some kindof“eh” noise. “Theywould tell you no, and in their own way they wouldn’t be lying, butit does matter to them to a certain extent. They do like to … dressthings up. Although they also claim to be concerned about familyand stuff like that.”

“Are you impressed with what you see?”Hunter asked.

“I don’t know. Ihaven’t seen it all yet. For all I know it couldbe a nightmare inside, full of spiders and rats.”

Hunter laughed. “It doesn’t have rats.”


“Everywhere you go, you’re close to aspider.”

Harlow let out a cry. “What? Why would yousay something like that?” She started to lift her legs and glance around thecar.

“I’m pretty sure the spider populationrivals that of humans.”

“You’re not making me feelbetter.”

Hunter chuckled and climbed out of thecar.

Harlow scrambled out. “You knowthat’s all I’m going tothink about now. Spiders.”

He walked up to the door, pressed thesecurity code, unlockedit, and headed inside. The alarm sounded, and he typed inthe code, turning it off then resetting it as he closed the doorbehind Harlow.

His place was warm as he’d already stoppedby earlier to set the timer for the heat to come on. It was way toocold outside and he saw Harlow struggling.

Flicking on the light, he turned toward her,taking her bag and dropping it on the floor. Silence fell betweenthem, and he had some kind of idea what she was thinking. Shelooked at him, and there was a light blush to her cheeks.

Did she think he was going to strip her naked in the hallway andfuck her senseless right here? The temptation was there … damn, itwas there, but he decided against that and stepped back. His cockwas hard as fucking rock.