Harlow stood her ground as he came towardher. When he went to slap her hard across the face, she brought herknee up, but he blocked that. Raven had warned her about this, andwith him distracted by the potential knee to the balls, she thenbrought her fist back and slammed it into his nose.

This took him by surprise as his head jerkedback and he cupped his face, which gave her enough time to thenreach down and grab his balls.

“Yeah, what are yougoing to do? You’re not so tough whenyou’re faced with a fight. That’s what I heard about you TwistedBastards MC fuckers.” She all but snarled in his face. “You onlyfight the fights you think you can win.”

His face had gone a dark shade of red, andHarlow didn’t let go of his dick. She tightened her grip and thenbegan to twist it, but in trying to defend her and Hailey, sheheard her boss gasp, which distracted her.

That small tiny distraction was enough.She had loosened her grip, and he took full advantage, wrapping hisfingers around herneckand tightening his hold, cutting off air supply. Harlow didn’t knowwhat he planned to do with her, because he changed tactics and usedher to cover his body.

Staring straight ahead, she caught sight ofHunter. He’d arrived.

He held a gun straight in front of him. “Lether the fuck go … now!” His voice was calm, dangerous.

Harlow had never seen this look in his eyes.He looked almost animalistic as he stared at Cadeon behind her.

“So the knight in shining biker leathercomes to save the day,” Cadeon said. He pressed a kiss to her head. “I think I willkeep my precious prize.”

Harlow didn’t have time for this. “Shoothim.” Cadeon had loosened his grip enough for her to talk. All shewanted Hunter to do was kill him. She knew there was a risk of himkilling her, but it was a risk she was more than willing to take.“Kill him.”

Cadeon tutted. “I don’t thinkthat’s any way youshould be talking, sweet thing. I’m the one with the gun pointed toyour head.”

“I can’t let Hailey die. Kill him.”

“Harlow!” Hunter said.

“You see, he’s hesitating because the fierce and loyal Hunteris terrified of one thing. He used to be dedicated to the club, butnow he has a weakness. Do you know what that weaknessis?”

She didn’t give a shit. Gripping the hand ather throat, she was no real match for Cadeon. She shouldn’t havegotten distracted, that was her fault.

“I see you’re all riveted, so Iwill tell you what his problemis,” Cadeon said. “You’rehisproblem.” He let out a laugh as if it was the funniest thing he hadever heard.

Harlow looked at Hunter. She didn’t knowif it was true or not. She didn’t know what to believe.There was no way she wasHunter’s weakness. She didn’t mean anything to Hunter.

“Hunter is in love with you.It’s why he does nothingbut stalk you. You are the love of his life. I can also promise youthat in the time you’ve been apart, he has been with no oneelse.”

“Put the fucking gun down,” Hunter said.

“But I like this gun. I mean, ifit’s all a lie, tell me,and I can just put you guys out of your misery. She is a pain inthe ass and a horrible little bitch when she starts.”

The gun was loaded and Harlow tensed up asit was pressed against her forehead. Was this the end? Would shedie at her friend’s beauty shop, with Hailey? She didn’t want it to end thatway.

“Shoot her and I will fucking end you. Youwill wish by the time I’m done with her, that you hadn’t even comeback to Fort Clover.” Hunter held the gun tightly in his grip andpointed it at Cadeon.“She is my fucking world. I love her more than anything,and you will not take her away from me, because I haven’t made itup to her yet.”

Harlow couldn’t believe what she washearing.

At the sound of roaring bikes, Harlow feltCadeon tense up. He held her tightly and stepped back, then backagain. They were getting further away from Hailey and Harlowcouldn’t have that. Her best friend was on the floor, dying. Shehad to go to her.

“Let her go now and this is the onlywarning I’m giving you. The moment they all turn up, you’re a deadman. You kill her,you’re a dead man. You’re not leaving here alive.”

They got to the door and Cadeon openedit.

“There is always aPlan B.”

Cadeon pointed his gun at Hunter, took ashot, and then threw her across the room. If it wasn’t for Huntershe would have fallen, but he captured her. She knew the bullet hadhit him.

“Are you hurt?” she asked.

“Itwill heal.”