“You can deny it, but those feelings youhave for me died that day.”
He saw the tears in her eyes. “I neverstopped wanting you.”
“It’s not enough,” she said. “When thedesire runs out, whenthe attraction fades, there’s nothing else.”
He saw the tears and he cupped her face,pressing his forehead against hers. “It has never faded for me,Harlow. Not once.”
“You broke my heart, Hunter.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
She tried to push him away. He wouldn’t lether go.
“Get lost. Back off. Leave me alone.” Shekept trying to push him away, to make him move, but he refused.“Damn it, Hunter, leave me the fuck alone.”
And then, he wrapped his arms around herand held her tightly. She tensed up in his arms, and he didn’t lether go. He held her,breathing in her scent.
Harlow wasn’t ready to hear the truth. Heneeded to give herthechance to forgive him. Hunter knew he needed to earn herforgiveness. But, fucking hell, he loved this woman. He would go tohell for this woman. She was everything to him, and what grievedhim the most was she had no fucking clue how much she meant tohim.
She was everything.
And he couldn’t tell her.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Harlow tried to contain her excitement asHailey parked her car at the back of the beauty parlor.
“What?” Hailey asked.
“Tell me.”
“I am excited for us to go into work.” Shepressed her hands together and she wanted to clap them, but shealso didn’t want to spook her best friend, and there was a risk ofthat, so she kept her shit together, barely.
“Why are you excited? You’ve been coming inevery day.”
That was true. Hunter had also been aregular visitor.
It was cold outside, and Harlow wasn’tlooking forward to stepping out into the cold, but she looked atHailey, who’d gonevisibly pale.
“It’s okay. You don’t even have to see anyclients today.” Therewere none booked but Harlow had hoped Hailey was in the mood to seea couple of clients. Harlow had promised a few that she’d call assoon as Hailey was well.
“No, no, Iwantto see clients,” Hailey said. “I’ve got to get back intothe swing of things. I don’t want to ruin my business and then myparents would be … you know, telling me they told me so, and I hadno right to run a business.”
“What have I said about your folks?” Harlow asked.
“That they’re dicks.”
“If you want, you can spend some time withmine.” She had gone and seen her motheron some of the Sundays but not many. Big Dick hadgone to dinner as well, not as often.
She knew her mother was trying to mendbridges, and it would take time. Friendships were built over timeand trust. She kept expecting her mother to criticize where sheworked. In fact, her mother had asked if she could stop by for avisit. This was before the Kinky and Haileyrevelation. Since then,Harlow had advised not to stop by.
In fact, she might give her mother acall.
“Thanks,” Hailey said.
Harlow followed Hailey’s lead, and openedher car door. She really needed to look for a car. She felt likeshe was cursed when it came to cars, becausesomething bad had happened to every carshe had. She had to sell her first car because of money. The secondcar got totaled. Okay, two cars do not make a losing streak, butit’s a start, and so far, that was way more bad luck than shewanted.