“No. I know you didn’t have anything to dowiththis, but you’rethe whole reason it happened, and I just need sometime.”
Harlow stood there and watched as Hailey gotinto her car and drove away. She had no idea where she was going orwhat she was doing.
Seconds later, she was stillstanding in the same place. Howhad the day gotten so fucked up?
She spun around as she heard the sound ofrunning feet, she wasabout to yell and scream, but Hunter spoke first.
“Ava’s gone into labor.”
Sittingin the waiting room of the hospital with a quietHarlow was not exactly comforting. Hunter had a feeling that if shedidn’t share her feelings soon, she was going to explode. He satand waited.
And continued to wait some more.
Hunter had already gotten her a blackcoffee as the hospital’s café was already closed, and they only hadvending machines. He knew from previous experience, Harlow hatedthem as they dispensedfull-fat milk as well as plant milk. She didn’t want any ofthe full-fat kind.
Kinky was across from them, legs pushed out,head in his hand. To any onlooker, he looked tired, and nothingelse. Hunter didn’t know if he was upset with what happened. Kinkyhad never given an inclination to care what a woman felt.
He wasthe epitome of a selfish bastard as were all of them intheir own way. Big Dick hadn’t arrived yet. He had gotten some newleads that had taken him a couple of hours out of Fort Clover. BigDick wouldn’t stop until he had found the Twisted Bastards MCbase.
Hunter knew he should care about the club and the threat,but he wasn’t afraid of the Twisted Bastards MC. He wasn’t afraidof anything.
“I came as soon as I heard,” Larissasaid.
Hunter didn’t like the man that followedbehind Larissa—Andrew. Hehadn’t seen the other man sniffing around his woman, but he knew ifgiven the chance, Andrew would try something.
Hunter slid his arm across the back ofHarlow’s chair, but his woman got up. He didn’t even know if Harlowwas aware he had attempted to stake his claim.
She hugged Larissa and much to his annoyance, she thenhugged Andrew.
“Do we have any news?” Larissa asked.
“None,” Harlow said.
“Smokey put out the call, and we’re allwaiting,” Hunter said,to make it clear. “How did you know she had gone intolabor?”
“Ava texted me.”
Hunter nodded. That made sense. He knew toeveryone Larissa was a sweet and gentle soul, but he knew theworld, and some women were just able to hide their evil a littlebetter than others.
Larissa and Harlow were good women. So wasAva, Abriana, and Raven.All five of them were good women, and it would seem so was Haileyas well. Fuck, he had gotten that fucking wrong.
Larissa took the seat beside Harlow.
“Were the two of you on a date?” Harlowasked.
“Yes. Andrew had taken me to the drive-in movie,” Larissasaid. “We didn’t realize it was a horror movie, but we paid to getin and tried to make the most of it.”
“I think I’ll be afraid for days.”
“Pussy,” Hunter said, mumbling the wordbeneath his breath. For his efforts, Harlow slappedhis thigh, gripping ittightly so that her nails sunk in.
He rather liked it. She was touchinghim.
He placed his hand over hers and refused tolet her go, even as she tried to pull away. That wasn’t happening,not on his watch.
“Have you been on a date?” Larissaasked.