She tried to ignore everything she loved about the machine,about the man, and tried to focus on the reason she didn’t like himanymore. It was hard to do.

All she wanted was to love him, to forgetabout the past. His words were like a mantra inside her head,slicing through her heart. How could she trust him? When he brokethingsoff with her, hewas cruel and didn’t care about her thoughts orfeelings.

What if he was looking for funagain? She didn’t want to fallfor him, ever.

They arrived at the hotel, and Harlowdidn’t wait for him to help her off. As soon as she was able, she got off the bikeand stepped onto solid ground. There was no relief in not holdingonto him, which she hated. Rather than look at him, she folded herarms across her chest, hoping to keep herself in check.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”


“Can we just get this overwith? I don’t wantHailey to be hurt.” She started to walk toward the main building ofthe hotel. It was not a large building. Each room was individualand could be reached from the outside. There was a small litreception room, but Harlow didn’t go to it. The rooms were labeled,and she found the one Hailey had let slip.

Standing outside the room, she felt herheart sink.

This was bad.

“What do we do if he’s armed?” Harlow asked.

She shouldn’t have beensurprised when Hunterreached into his jacket. “I’m ready.”

Staring at the doorknob, Harlow felt sick.“I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Knock and call her name.”

Harlow clenched her hand into a fist, andwhat got her to knock on the door was the memory of that man’shands wrapped around her throat, preparing to choke the life out ofher. There hadn’t been a single care in the world. Hurting her hadmeantnothing tohim.

The moment she knocked, she heard asqueal. It was a single sound and she looked towardHunter with fear andpanic. She was about to start banging on the door, demanding herfriend come out, but Hunter simply lifted his foot and slammed itagainst the door.

Hailey and her LoverBoy had put the chain lock in place, butit was no match for the force of Hunter’s boot. The door swung openand Harlow rushed inside, and wasn’t expecting to see what shesaw.

It wasn’t Cadeon with Hailey at all.

She looked toward Hailey, and other thanhaving red swollen lips, and hair that had clearly been mussedandtouched, everythingthat a good fuck could cause, Hailey was fine.

“What the fuck?” Kinky asked.

“Harlow, what is going on?” Hailey asked,scrambling to get off the bed, and as she did so, she wrapped ablanket around her.

Kinky stoodbefore them completely naked, without a care inthe world. He didn’t even try to hide his dick. Harlow refused tolook at it.

This was not good.

“Hi,” Harlow said. For once in her lifewords failed her.Shedidn’t know what to say or do, so she merely smiled at herfriend.

“What is going on?”Hailey asked. She held onto the blanketfor dear life.

“I, ugh, I thought that your LoverBoy might be … someone who is …not a good guy.”

“What?” Hailey asked.

“I … remember the whole choking thing. Ithought you were with him.”

“I saw him, Harlow. I would never do that toyou, and I certainly wouldn’t put you at risk.” Hailey frowned.

Harlow glanced toward Kinky. “How did thisstart?”