Harlow didn’t want to think about anotherman who made her feel the same way. The temptation to look acrossthe streetand see ifHunter was still there was strong. She denied herself and insteadfocused on Hailey.

“He’s got short, black hair, but there’s enough to run yourfingers through it. Nice green eyes, not too dark, but just enoughto make you know that he’s got you in his sights. He does have alot of tattoos.”

Harlow didn’t like this. She didn’t takeher time to remember every little facet of Cadeon’s appearance, buthe did have black hair, or maybe a dark brown. She wasn’t sure. Shewas choking to death when it happened, and she hadn’t exactly beenpaying much attention apart fromtrying to get out of his hold.

What if LoverBoy was Cadeon?

She had no doubt in her mind that Haileywasn’t a traitor. But, what if she was wrong?

What if she was hoping for a lifeline likethis and didn’t look at all thepossibilities? Maybe the truth was just too scary to dealwith.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Harlow paced the length of the main hall.Hailey had already left to go see LoverBoy. He never came to the house. Never went to herplace of work. This was all getting to be a little toomuch.

She didn’t like this sick feeling swirlingin her stomach. Harlowrefused to sneak into Hailey’s bedroom, but that didn’tmean she couldn’t go to the hotel and hope to see thetruth.

The main doorbell rang, and she went toitright away, not evenhesitating to answer it.

Hunter was on the other side. “Youcalled.”

Harlow grabbed her jacket. It was freezingcold outside. “Don’t bethinking this is … anything. Hailey is seeing someone, and I don’tknow for sure if it’s not Cadeon.”

He tensed up. “So, I was right.”

“I don’t know if you were right ornot. Hailey is not a badperson, but she is not used to male attention. She would never doanything to hurt me.” She did believe that.

“Harlow, you can’t believe that. Ifshe’s in bed with theTwisted Bastards MC, then she’s as evil as they come.”

“I’m not going to believe you, but thatdoesn’t mean one of them haven’t … tried to worm their way into herlife in order to get closer to the club.” She did think it was aridiculous scenario, but one she wouldn’t put past some connivingbastards. It sounded to her exactly what the evil fuckers would do. “What did you bring?Your bike or your car?”

“I brought my bike. You said it was anemergency.”

“And this is an emergency.” She shoved himout the door, locking it behind her, and then pushing at his backto make him move along. They didn’t have time to dawdle. Her bestfriend could be in danger.

Hunter picked up his pace and he straddledhis bike. She didn’t want to get on the back of his bike, because awoman riding at the back of a Hell’s Bastards MC meantsomething.

“Climb on, Harlow.”

“This doesn’t mean anything.”

“It means something and you know it. Are yougoing to tell me where we’re going?”

She gave him the address of the hotel.Only because Hailey had slipped up when shewas questioning her, and gaveit.

Hunter turned over the ignition and Harlowlet out a little yelp. She didn’t want this to mean anything. Shestill hated him and she would never forgive him. He was theenemy.

“You’re going to have to hold onto me,babe.”

“Don’t call me babe.”

He grabbed her hands andwrapped them around hiswaist. She didn’t want to hold on, but she did so because she wouldrather not get flung off by not being practical.

Harlow tried not to panic.

He took off into the night, and she triednot to think about how good it was to be on the back of hisbike.All she wanted todo was think of it as a death trap. This wasn’t a good feeling. Shehated the wind in her hair. He didn’t have a helmet and she justknew he was taking it slow for her benefit.

Harlow kept her eyes closed and waitedforthe ride to be over.Although she did enjoy it, and it did feel amazing to be on theback of his bike, with her arms wrapped around him, and the buzz ofthe engine beneath her.