“She’s a lovely woman,” Andrew said.

“Sweet and kind. She is a breath of freshair.”

Andrew laughed. “Don’t think for a secondthat I don’t see what you’re doing.”

Harlow looked at him, eyes wide. “I have noidea what you’re talking about.”

“You’re trying to set me up with someoneelse.”

“No, I am not.” It was hard for her to lie.“You have no idea what you’re talking about, mister.” She had no idea why words werefailing her. She didn’t know what to say or do, or even how toreact. She tried to laugh and pretend she knew what she was talkingabout, but it was all lies.

“Harlow,do you not think I see it? I get it. You and I areonly going to be friends, and I accept that, but please don’t tryand set me up with a woman to make up for it. Larissa is nice, butmaybe I’m not looking for nice.” He took a step toward her, andHarlow tensed up.

“Andrew, I only want to be friends.There’s nothing else,and I don’t want you to think there could be anything more thanwhat we are.” She didn’t want to string him along. She wasn’t thatkind of person.

“But, there is a chance, right?There’s a chance thatyou’ll stop loving him, and maybe, just maybe, when you’re doneloving him, you’ll see me.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I can’t let you dothat, Andrew. He was a part of me.” She pressed a hand to herchest.

“And that doesn’t mean he gets to staythere forever. He broke your heart, Harlow. It’s time for you to move on.”

Harlow tried not push him away, but all hedid was press a kiss to her cheek. The perfect gentleman.

“Think about it. I am better than him.”

Andrew had walked her home andnow he gave her a wink, turnedon his heel, and walked away.


In the shadows, Hunter clenched his handsinto fists.

Strawberry fucking picking. Seriously.That’s what she enjoyeddoing. He watched as Harlow made her way inside the house she nowshared with her boss.

As for Hailey Valentine, he couldn’t findanything on her. He still didn’t trust her, which is why wheneverhe could, he took the opportunity to watch and wait.

Harlow deserved better, he knew that.

Men like Andrew were fucking rare, and healso knew the prick was a nice guy as well. Why did he have to be anice guy? Why couldn’t he have a shady past, or something thatwould piss him off, oranything that meant he had a decent enough fight toconvince him to back off?

Harlow needed to heal. She needed thistime, and as they wereapproaching another fall and winter, he knew the memories weregoing to spiral. He needed to give her time and space. But thetruth was, he didn’t want to. Giving her time was the right thingto do, the gentlemanly thing, but Hunter had never been agentleman.

He watched the house for several minutes,seeing the curtains close as Harlow got ready to do whatever sheneeded to do. No one arrived at the house. Not even the boss.

He’d asked Kinky to do the honors inkeeping an eye on the woman. So far, Kinky had nothing to report,and his searches had come up with the same thing. Hailey came froma wealthy family, but she was kindof the embarrassment daughter, the one they triedto hide. Sending her to a small town with a small fortune to openher beauty shop, had been a blessing for them.

He didn’t know why they were soembarrassedof theirdaughter. From what he could see, Hailey’s business venture wasturning a decent profit, and she had already started to earn therespect of the women in town.

Stepping away from the house, he walkeddown the street and straddled his bike, turning the ignition over.He couldn’t help but have one last lingering look into the house where Harlow was, buthe didn’t get to see her. The curtains were closed and the only wayhe’d be able to see her would be to ring the bell, so he pulledback.

Ignore her.

She is nothing to you.

Not anymore.

“I love you.”

Hunter didn’t know if she still loved him,or if those feelings had faded. There was a high chance they wouldfade, especially if she had Andrew. Another man could certainlyhelp any woman get over an asshole like him.