“GeorgeErickson, as I live and breathe,” Andrew said.
“Where is Alan these days? I haven’tseenor heard from himeither.” The two men shook hands and Hunter watched as Big Dickslapped the other man on the back a little too hard.
“He is taking care of his daughter.He’s a changed man,”Andrew said.
“Fuck me, there’s no way that selfish prick has a daughter.” BigDick shook his head. “So, what is this?” He pointed between Andrewand Harlow.
Harlow hadn’t spoken, she hadn’t even turnedto look at them.
“Harlow and I are ona date,” Andrew said.
Hunter had to give the guy balls, he didn’tcower or try to pretend shit wasn’t happening.
“A date?” Big Dick asked. “And you didn’teven think to ask me for permission?”
This got Harlow’s attention. “I don’t needyour permission to date anyone. Ignore him, Andrew. Fuck off, BigDick.”
He knew she had stopped calling Big DickGeorge since the truth ofHunter and Harlow’s affair had come to light. Brother andsister hadn’t gotten along in some time. Hunter also knew that ithurt Big Dick to have any kind of bad blood betweenthem.
“Sit, Andrew, unless you’d like to gostraight to Ryan’s Place?” Harlow asked.
If Andrew left, he was a fucking coward.Hunter watched the man, not liking him on sight.
“Nah, I’m good. We’ve already ordered, and Ifor one am loving this garden burger,” he said.
“Garden burger?” Big Dick asked.
“Yeah, did you know Andrew was a vegan andwas even one way back when you’d have him look after me? Rememberthat?” Harlow asked.
She still hadn’t looked at him.
“I didn’t know that,” Big Dick said.
“Yeah, so, why don’t you go and enjoy yourclub things while Andrew and I enjoy our food?”
“Andrew, a word,” Big Dick said.
He didn’t get up quite fast enough, butBrick helped him, leading him outside the diner. No one tried tointerfere.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Harlow wentto get up but Hunter put a hand on her bare shoulder. “Don’t!” Sheshrugged him off, but he pressed on the back of her chair, stoppingher from going anywhere.
“What the fuck are youdoing?” Hunterasked.
“Get lost.”
“Do you think you’re going to make mejealous going on a date with prissy boy?”
Harlow tilted her head to the side. “I’m nottrying to make you jealous. I’m not trying to do anything otherthan have a nice Friday night.”
Hunter leaned down and pressed his lipsagainst her ear. “I remember when you loved being with me on aFriday night.”
She tensed up.
“Or have you forgotten that?”
She turned her head and her lips were soclose, they were in touching distance. He wanted tokiss those lips sobadly, but he held himself back.
“I’ve forgotten nothing but from where Isit, it would seem you have forgotten absolutely everything.” Sheglared at him. “Those Friday nights are gone. They mean nothing andare nothing. What is Big Dick doing?”