“Ah, well, then I will have to give herback her number, because I’m on a date.”

Harlow stared at him, and she feltHunter’s gazeon herback. She had seen him in the corner as well.

“You shouldn’t have to do that,” Harlowsaid.

“Why not?”

“Because … it’s … I…”

Andrew took hold of her hands. “Talk tome.”

“I’m kind of trying to get over someone,and I don’t want you to get the wrong message. I like you, Andrew.I know wehaven’t seeneach other in a long time, but I don’t want to hurtyou.”

“Then let’s agree to be friends,” Andrewsaid. “I don’t want to rush into anything, but I do like you,Harlow. I don’t know where this will go, but I enjoy beingaroundyou.”

“You do?” Harlow asked.

“Yeah, you were the onlyten-year-old I knew whocould curse like a sailor and tell the world like you sawit.”

Harlow laughed. “Wow, that feels like alifetime ago.”

“It was a lifetime ago. We’re older now, andI promise not to push, but I do like you, and I’d like to hang outwith you, if you would have me.”

She didn’t know how he had gotten to be soperfect.

“Then, friends,” she said.

“For now.”


“Who the fuck is that?” Hunter asked.

Brick was too distracted byhis food and looked up.“How the fuck should I know?”

He couldn’t take his gaze off Harlow and themystery man. From the moment they had entered the diner, Harlowhadn’t even looked at him. She and her date were talking a lot.

He watched them, not interested in anythingelse.

Tapping his fingers on the counter, hewatched as the waitress, whose name he still didn’t know, gave her number. He hadwatched her do that to any guy she was attracted to. He wasn’tinterested in the woman, but Harlow’s date literally gave hernumber back.

Hunter tensed up as he watched the guy winkat Harlow, who he saw was laughing. She had lost a lot of weight.The dress she wore didn’t show it, but he had explored every singleinch of her body to know that she had lost too much. She needed totake care of herself.

Hunter looked to see that Big Dick hadstepped into the diner. He didn’t look toward his sister, and hedropped into the booth opposite him. They were not on great terms,but the punching had stopped. Hunter had also stopped just taking the blows now as well,and tended to block them.

The club always came first and Smokey hadtold them to get their shit together. Twisted Bastards MC mighthave retreated, but they were not gone. Hunter knew they werebiding their time for the right moment to strike. He also knew thatit put Harlow at risk. She had messed with that fucker’s plan, andif he was anything like Creed, he’d try to hurt her. Hunter was notgoing to allow that to happen.

“Ask him,” Brick said. “He knows whothelocalsare.”

“What?” Big Dick asked.

“He wants to know who the cock isthat’s on a date withyour sister?”

Big Dick looked around, and then Hunterwatched as he tensed up. “No fucking way.” Hunter got to his feetas did Big Dick.

Brick grumbled about being hungry, butthey were club.Hefollowed Big Dick to the table. “I’ll be damned, little AndrewLowe! I haven’t seen you in a millennia?”

Hunter had never heard of an Andrew Lowe,but he filed the nameinhis memory to check out.