She hadn’t programmed hisnumber into her cellphone, but it was there. She must have left her phone unattended,and he was able to get ahold of it.
Was he just teasing her today at lunch?
Her stomach chose that moment to growl.She was hungry, starving even, but she didn’t have enoughmoney for the fries. It wasembarrassing how her life had turned out. She didn’t want to askanyone for help.
Leaving home, finding an apartment,starting a life for herself was all a rite of passage, everyone did it successfully. Shewouldn’t ask for help. Living on her own meant she wasn’t bound byany rules. There was no one to control what she did.
Hunter’s name was like a beckon, apromise, calling to her. She knew getting involved with himwould be bad. The consequenceswere scary, if anyone found out.
Did she want people to know about her crushon Hunter? No.
Did she want to have a relationship with aperson everyone knew about? No.
Having a secret affair with Hunter would beeasy, wouldn’t it? Yes.
Big Dick didn’t need to know everythingthathappened in herlife.
Nor did Smokey.
Nor did the club.
No one was going to get hurt.
It was just her and Hunter.
Their little secret.
She pressed the call icon attached to hisname and placed her cell to her ear. It rang, once, twice, and onthe third ring he finally answered.
“I was starting to wonder if you wouldcall,” he said.
She closed her eyes and pressed her thighstogether. What was it about his voice? It was deep, guttural, andmade her think of all kinds of nasty things he could bedoing to her.
“What exactly do you want?” she asked.
Hunter chuckled. In the background she heardnoise and figured he was at the clubhouse. He was probably toastywarm, rather than freezing his ass off like her. After severalseconds, there was no sound, only silence.
“You know exactly what I want.”
She did.
“What are your terms and how do you want todo this?” She didn’t have a clue what she was doing.
“How about you tell me what your terms are,Harlow, and then we’llsee if we can come to an arrangement?”
This was bad. So very bad. But she justcouldn’t stop. They had crossed that line at Christmasand there was no goingback.
“I don’t want my brother to find out. Nordo I want Smokey or Ravento know. I don’t want any of the club to know.”
“Agreed. This has to remain a secretbetween you and me. No one canever know what we’re doing.”
“That means you can’t come to my place. Mybrother drops in from time to time.” Not often, but enough for herto not want to run the risk of exposingthem.
“I’ve got a place. I’ll take you to it soon.”
“When?” she asked.
“Next Friday. There’s a party at theclubhouse. A lot of brothers are going to be here as are a lot ofwomen. My presence is not needed and it will be the perfectopportunityforus.”