“Nah, I was just having alittle fun to be honest. Also,my niece loves the fun house and I offered to take her.”
“Your niece?”
“Yeah, my brother had a kid with the girl he was dating atschool.”
“Holy crap, I didn’t even know your brotherwas dating anyone. He was so…” She didn’t want to be rude to him,but his brotherhadn’tbeen a nice person. From what she could remember, from thearguments with her brother and parents, he’d been a no-good wasteof space. There had been a lot of colorful words to describeAndrew’s brother.
“Horrible, nasty, an evil prick?”
“Yeah, I could say those words, but he isyour brother, and that just seemsrude.” She forced a smile to her lips and hechuckled along with her.
“Nah, it’s fine. Alan is actually doinggreat. Fatherhood suits him.”
“Alan, right, that was his name.” She tappedher head and rolled her eyes. “Bad memory.”
They walked through the rest of the maze andas she got off she saw Hailey waiting for her, looking excited.
“Did you love it?” Hailey asked, rushingtoward her. She sounded like an excited child.
“Yes, I did.”
Hailey looked toward Andrew and then ather.
“Oh, right, introductions, crap. Andrew, this is my boss,roommate, and friend, Hailey Valentine. Hailey, thisis…”
“Complicated on how we know each other, butthe name is AndrewLowe.”
Hailey and Andrew shook hands. “Pleasure tomeet you.”
“I better go and find my niece. It was apleasure to see you, Harlow. I hope I get to see you again.”
She smiled at him and then placed her armthrough Hailey’s.
“Are you kidding me right now?” Haileyasked.
“Did you know what just happened there?”
“Ugh, I walked into Andrew, wecaught up, and now he’slooking for his niece.”
“Did you not see the way he looked atyou?”
“Hailey, he didn’t look at me likeanything.”
She let out a growl and Harlow raised herbrows. It was rare forher friend to get very vocal.
“He totally wanted to see you again. Didn’tyou get it?”
“He was just being polite,” Harlow said.
“When a guy says he hopes to see you again,that means he is looking forward to seeing you again. It’s like an in.”
Harlow laughed. “You said yourself that youhaven’t dated a lot.”
“Ever,” Hailey said.
“So, how are you suddenly an expert?”