Taking Hailey’s hand, shedecided the best way to handlethis was to simply walk around the fair. She didn’t even botherlooking toward the picnic area. She and Hailey hadn’t packed anylunch. They were either going to enjoy snacks or go out tolunch.

Hailey had mentioned finding a new veganrestaurant not too far, about a thirty-minute drive from Fort Clover, that they weregoing to check out. It was so sweet of Hailey to think ofthat.

Her friend and roommate was even learningto cook as well. Harlow helped, and she provided all the baked goods. Just thinking aboutbaking made her miss Ava. She hadn’t seen her friend in so long,nor had she seen Raven either, or Abriana, for thatmatter.

They hadn’t come into the beauty parlor,nor had she seen them randomly in the street. She didn’t know ifher brother hadwarnedthem not to get involved with her. Big Dick could be that petty,but she hoped he wasn’t.

Moving their way through the maze ofpeople, and looking at the rides, Harlow felt herself relaxing. Sheknew the Hell’s Bastards MC would be around, they always were atthese events, but she hadn’t seen a single one. It had been a shortwhile since she had seenHunter as well, which was also a welcome relief.

After taking Hailey around all the rides,Harlow allowed her tochoose what they did. The first ride was scary for Harlow.She wasn’t big on heights, but she was big on facing her fears, soshe climbed right on once it was their turn. There were a lot ofpeople wanting to get on. It was the kind of ride that went up intothe sky and held you there, rocking back and forth.

Hailey let out a squeal lifting her armsin the air while Harlowheld on for dear life, and let out a scream, even thoughher stomach turned over.

Once the ride was over, she was tempted tocollapse and kiss theground, but she kept it together. It would seem Hailey wasa bit of an adrenaline junkie and she loved the fast rides thatflipped her in the air and made her scream. After the sixth ride,Harlow was close to throwing up, but Hailey went straight to thefun house.

“I’ve seen these on a lot of horror moviesand they always look so cool,” Hailey said. “Meet youon the other side.”

Harlow laughed but didn’t go chasing afterHailey. She needed a few minutesto gain her composure and get herselftogether.

The fun house was always fun, at least toher. She took it slow and steady, weaving her way through themirrors, and then stepping out, going through the tunnel. As shecame out of the tunnel that turned, she nearly ran into the back ofsomeone.

“Sorry,” she said, putting a hand on hisback and giving him some space.


She lifted her head and saw one ofBig Dick’s old friend’sbrothers. “Andrew?”

“Ah, you remembered,” he said, laughing.

Andrew was the brother of an asshole, whoshe couldn’t remember. Big Dick and the other guy would take theirlittle sibling along together, and she would have to hang out withAndrew, even though he was older than her.

“Yeah, it’s not every day that afifteen-year-old playsdolls to help entertain a brother’s best friend’s sister.” Shefrowned. “I don’t even know if that made any kind of sense. It didin my head.”

“Yeah, it did in mine as well.”

They both laughed.

“I thought you had left town,” Harlowsaid.

“I did. I left and did some exploring, andbefore I knowit, I washomesick, and I got back to town a couple of monthsago.”

“Months ago? I haven’t seen you around.”

“I’ve been working in my dad’sshop.”

She clicked her fingers. “I can’tremember what itis.”

Andrew laughed. “He’s a repairman and a plumber.”

“You’re a plumber?”

“And electrician, fully trained and readyto handle most homey problems,” Andrew said, makingher laugh.

“Keep it moving,” someone said behind her.She hadn’t even realized the line had been moving.

“So, are you in the fun house on a date?”she asked.

Andrew had always been nice. She hadn’tthought about him in so long. He’d always been patient with her,never yelling. Even when his brother was being a dick and talkingabout playing with dolls, it didn’t stop him.