He finished his beer. “I’m heading out.”
“Where are you going?”
“Just for a walk,” Hunter said.
He slapped Smokey on the back andthenleft the clubhouse,heading out into the night.
They were close to Fort Clover, but it wasstill quite a distance.Rather than walking to town, which would take too fucking long, hestraddled his bike and took off.
Hunter didn’t even know what he wanted tosee, or if he wanted to see anything. The cold had already givenway to spring, and soon summer would be approaching.Time was already tickingby.
Waiting for the Twisted Bastards MC to hithad started to piss himoff. Harlow had disturbed their plans. Cadeon clearly wasn’texpecting to be caught so easily, but like Big Dick, Harlow managedto hunt. He didn’t know if she was capable of killinganyone.
Arriving in town, he saw the glow of thebeauty parlor and he looked inside. Harlow was there, her headthrown back, laughing. He also spotted Hailey, and there were acouple of women inside.
He knew Ava, Raven, and Abriana missedher. She had become part of their group and because of him and BigDick, it had all gone tohell.
“I love you.”
Her words echoed through his mind onceagain. Harlow had loved him and he’d known it as well. He also knewhe had feelings for her, which is why he had to break it off. Therewas no way he was going to allow them to manifest.
It had to be sex.
For the club.
For his sanity.
But as he stood in the darkness, lookingat the womanhe wouldhave given anything for, he felt his eyes prickle. She had beenpregnant with his kid.
He never wanted to be afather, had neverconsidered having children, until this very moment, and now hecouldn’t think of anything but.
A little baby girl or boy.
A child to bind Harlow to him. Was that whyhe refused to wear a condom? Was he already trying to claim her ashis own?
He didn’t know his reasoning for it, but heknew he had lost completely.
SeveralWeeks Later
“A fair,” Hailey said.
“It’s just a little bit of fun, but to be honest, it’s justone giant picnic if you look.” Harlow pointed toward the town, allgathered on a large field.
“Wow, this is incredible.”
She had been working for Hailey for quitesome time now, and she had come to learn that her friend didn’t geta lot of experiences growing up. From what Hailey had told her, shehad been in boarding school since she was a child, only allowed togo home for special occasions, and that changed if her parents hadother obligations. She had a feeling Hailey’s parents werewealthy.They rarelycalled to check in, but she knew Hailey did call them, and moreoften than not, she got an answering machine.
She wasn’t going to say it to Hailey’sface, but her parents sounded like dicks, and she was not going tobe ashamed for thinking it. She imagined a lot of people thought it about theirparents. Harlow had certainly thought it about her own. They wereall a bunch of dicks.
“Am I seeing this correctly?” Hailey asked.“There are rides as well?”
“Yeah, it’s why a fair is a lot of fun. There is also asmall section for young children. One year there was a petting zoo,but I think a snake or a scorpion got out, I can’t remember whichone, and it kind of created a mass panic. The petting zoo wasn’tallowed again.” Harlow hated reptiles and she had steered clear.Also, by the time the petting zoo came around, she had also beenvegan, and just another reason to piss her mother off, which hadbeen fun.
“What do you want to do?” Harlow asked.
“I have no idea.”