She grabbed her basket and glanced atHailey, who lookedgenuinely excited. Kinky had driven them to Hailey’s house, such anice house in a great neighborhood. A place she knew her parentswould love to go and retire. “Glad you enjoyed.”
“Crap, now I feel bad. You don’t sound sogood, and here I am saying what a great night wehad, and you’re inpain.”
“It’s fine. I’m not in a lot of pain. Justa bit of discomfort, but it will fade.” She moved to the line ofcosmetics. Hailey loved to keep order,so she had them set up in the way they wereapplied.
She had already learned so much.She never knew what a primerwas, and learned that it helps hide blemishes but also creates abase for makeup to adhere to. At least that’s what she got fromHailey’s description. There was a process where the face had to beprepped the right way to receive makeup, but that was a whole othersection. This current order was only for the main cosmetics ratherthan the skin care line.
“Were you terrified?” Hailey asked.
Harlow stopped looking at the makeup and turned towardHailey who had stood close to her. The pizza last night had beenpretty good. Hailey had borrowed a pair of pajamas to sleep in,which was why she also wore this dress today. Hailey was a littlebigger than her, certainly in the bust and hips department, but itfit.
“Yeah, I was terrified.”
“You didn’t even show it.”
“Hailey, a strange man had his hand wrappedaround my throat. Of course I was terrified. He was chokingme.There was nothingfun about that.”
“I am so sorry.” Hailey threw her armsaround her. “I sound like a total bitch and I don’t mean to.”
Harlow patted her hand. “You know, it’sfine. I just … I don’t want to talk about it. I just wanted towork.”
“My nine o’clock will be here soon,” Haileysaid.“So, I know thisis a little … strange, but I was wondering if you liked yourapartment?”
This made Harlow frown. “Huh?”
“Well, as you know, my house has three bedrooms, and I don’t reallyhave anyone to share it with, so I was wondering if you would liketo … you know, come and live with me?”
Harlow looked toward Hailey.
She couldn’t help but beapprehensive. They were trulystrangers and yet Hailey had accepted her with open arms and noquestions, and in Harlow’s life, that was suspicious, and shewasn’t sure if she trusted it.
Hailey held her hands up. “I’m sorry if itsounds weird. I liked having you with me last night. I have thespare room and you’vesaid how much you hate your apartment.”
“That was all true.”
She hated her apartment andshe hadn’t been shy whenit came to saying something. It helped to distract her from whatwas really bothering her. She didn’t like the fact there werememories of Hunter. They were so fleeting, but they were stillthere, and it hurt. Even the ones where he was being kind, whenthey weren’t in a sexual relationship. They were all woundtogether, and she found it hard to ignore the feelings. They werepart of who she was.
“So, what do you say?”
“You barely know me,” Harlow said.
“Yeah, I know, but what I doknow I like, and I think wecould be friends, you know?” Hailey asked and she did thatlip-biting thing.
This did seem so fast to Harlow but at thesame time, whenever she was around Hailey, it helped her to forget,and right now she would gladly give anything to forget.
“You know what, I think you’re right, we dohave funtogether.”
Hailey giggled and then clapped her hands.“Is that a yes?”
Harlow couldn’t help but smile and laughalong with her. There was nothing wrong with finally lettingloose and having fun,was there?
“This is amazing. We’re going to have somuch fun together. I promise you won’t regret this. I feel we needto celebrate. I’ve got to start organizing. You could come and livewith me tonight. I’llorder pizza this time. Oh, wait, we could just go and eat at thediner.”
Everything was moving so fast but Harlowdidn’t even want the ride to slow down.The moment it slowed, she couldn’t stop thinkingabout everything that happened in the last few weeks. She didn’twant to think about anything. Not about Hunter or their timetogether, and certainly what she lost. Unconsciously, she pressed ahand to her stomach and she felt that jolt of pain, threatening toconsume her. Tears pricked at her eyes and she struggled to focusand breathe.
“Harlow, are you okay?” Hailey asked.
Pulling out of her own thoughts, sheforced a smile to her lips and nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.I think us moving in togetherwould be an amazing idea.”