“Come on, Big Dick,” Hunter said. “You andI both know that me and your sisterwould only be a short-term thing. There are plentyof other pussies in the sea.”
Big Dick kicked him.
“Harlow was my first virgin,” Huntersaid.
The man wasn’t fighting back, and even asBig Dick wanted to kill him, he also knew what was happening.Hunterwantedto bebeaten. That was why he wasn’t putting up a fight.
Big Dick had watched Hunter fight. He hadseen him, and he was merciless. No one bested him. He doubted evenSmokey could best him. Hunter was an animal. Smokey only ever usedHunter as a last resort, because the mess he made was not an easycleanup.
“You’re dead to me. Do you understandme? Dead.”
With that, Big Dick spat in his face andthen stormed off. He had a sister to go and see.
Harlow finished serving her last customerwhen Ava rushed to her. “Hunter!”
“What?” Harlow asked, frowning.
“Youand Hunter were together?”
She had no idea what was going on. “I don’tknow what you’re talking about.”
“Smokey just called me. Your brother is onhis way and he knows about you and Hunter.”
Harlow felt sick to her stomach. Thiscouldn’t be happening. Her brother shouldn’t know. She had onlyjust told Hunter that very morning that shewould never tell anyone. How did Georgeknow?
She didn’t havea chance to prepare as she heard the bike pull upin front of the bakery. George climbed off the bike, and he wasn’teven wearing a helmet. She couldn’t remember a time she had been sonervous. Her big brother had always been the one she found comfortin, who she loved and adored.
He stepped into the bakery, and one look inhis eyes, and she knew she had disappointed him. No words werespoken as he stepped toward her and then grabbed her arm. Shedidn’t squeal as he didn’t grab her hard enough to cause pain.
Ava didn’t stop him.
They stepped into the office of the bakery,and he threw her down into Ava’s chair.
“You don’t need to get angry,” Harlow said.“I know I’ve messed up.”
“Shut up,” George said.“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why should I?”
“Damn it, Harlow. Do you have any idea whatyoucould havedone?”
She frowned. “What I could have done? Whatthe hell does that mean?”
“Do you have any idea what Hunter is like?What he is capable of? Women mean nothing to him. You meant nothingto him. You were just alittle fun and how could you have been so fucking stupid tofall for that kind of shit?”
The pain she had been trying to keep hold of reignited insideher. She tried to ignore it, tried to contain it, but it exploded.How could it not?
“You’re right. How stupid could I havebeen? I mean, why would anyone want to be with me? You have to push the long line of menjust wanting to be with me, don’t you? Has it ever occurred to youthat for the first time in my life,Iwanted to be with someone? Hunter always told me it wouldnever last. We both knew it was coming to an end. So, no, Big Dick,you don’t have to worry. I got the memo loud and clear exactly whatkind of person Hunter was. Trust me, he made it abundantly clear tome when we were over,whywewere over.” She felt the tears burning her eyes, and she didn’twant to cry but couldn’t stop. This was too painful.
“He ended it. We started it and he ended it. So, yes, I getthat. But what makes me so fucking stupid is the fact that I lovedhim.” Harlow laughed. “Yes, that’s right. I fell in love withHunter, and I know that makes me a fucking idiot. Don’t you think Iget it?”
“No, I’m moving on. I’m not going to beworking here, nor am I going to have anything to do with the club,so don’t worry about your precious place or the men in it. I’mdone, Big Dick, just like you and I, we’re done.” With that, shegot to her feet and he didn’t stop her as she rounded the officeand then stepped out. Ava was there, and Harlow saw the pity in hereyes. She didn’t want to be pitied. What had happened, happened.There was no changing it.
Big Dick knew. Harlowhad hated lying to him, but now she wishedhe didn’t know the truth, because she felt like she had lost herbig brother as well. She had lost everything.